
Week 5 Day 3

CrossFit Montgomery – CF

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2 rounds

20/16 cal row moderate pace

16 A Frame Toe Touches

12 Single Arm DB strict press, 6 each arm

8 DB Hang Snatch, 4 each arm


Metcon (6 Rounds for time)

5:00 AMRAP x 6

In the first 2:00 of each 5:00 AMRAP row 50/40 calories

For every cal not completed in the first 2:00 complete 1 devils press with 35s/20s, rest the remainder of the time

10 cap rep on devils press

score is the time in each interval it takes to complete all your work


Build to a heavy strict press

then, EMOM x 10

2 strict presses @ 60% of heavy single from above

focus on speed with the barbell