
Week 2 Day 3

CrossFit Montgomery – CF

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Floss Hamstrings


4 Rounds (Form Focus)

:30 Arms Only Rowing

:30 Arms and Hops Only Rowing (Arms and

Hip Hinge Only)

:30 Row

:30 Rest


Metcon (Distance)

With a Partner:

P1: AMRAP 2 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00/transition

P2: AMRAP 2 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00

P1: AMRAP 3 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00

P2: AMRAP 3 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00

P1: AMRAP 4 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00

P2: AMRAP 4 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00

P1: AMRAP 3 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00

P2: AMRAP 3 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00

P1: AMRAP 2 Minutes

Row for Distance

Rest 1:00

P2: AMRAP 2 Minutes

Row for Distance


Rest-Pause DB Strict Press

3 Max Sets of DB Strict Press

Rest is 15 deep breaths between sets

DB Weight is 25% of 1RM Strict Press in each



2 Max Sets of Push Ups

Rest 3:00