
Baseline Training Week 2, Day 4

CrossFit Montgomery – CF

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Weakness Warm Up: Pick one of the following: 100/70 Calorie AAB

2K Row/Ski 1 Mile Run

10 Minute Cap

With the weakness warm up the goal isn’t to try and necessarily PR but get more comfortable on “longer” monostructural tests. Instruct athletes to be steady for the first 3/4th and then if they’re feeling good, to end strong, or merely finish if they are not.


Metcon (No Measure)

Every :90 for 4:30

6 Scap Pull Ups into 2-6 Strict Pull Ups


Every Minute for 3 Minutes 7 Gymnastic Kips


Every :30 for 1:30

3-5 Traditonal Kipping Pull Ups


Metcon (Time)

For Time

21 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

35 Wallballs 20/14lbs

18 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

30 Wallballs 20/14lbs

15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

25 Wallballs 20/14lbs

12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

20 Wallballs 20/14lbs

9 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

15 Wallballs 20/14lbs


Every 6 Minutes for 24 Minutes 1000m C2 Bike

15 Scap Push Ups 30′ Duck Walk

15 Scap Pull Ups 30′ Duck Walk

In the remaining time perform slow inchworms