CrossFit Montgomery – CF
4×8 Band pull aparts, (2 rounds palm down, 2 palm up)
3×3 HSPU or Push Up Negatives
Russian KB Swings
Calorie Row
Baseline Week 1, Day 3 (AMRAP – Reps)
On a continuous 18 minute clock:
1:00 Max HSPU
1:00 Max KB Swings 70/53lbs
1:00 Max Calorie Row
2:00 Max HSPU
2:00 Max KB Swing 70/53lbs
2:00 Max Calorie Row
3:00 Max HSPU
3:00 Max KB Swing 70/53lbs
3:00 Max Calorie Row
Score is total reps added together.
On a 20 Minute Running Clock:
2:00 C2 Bike, Damper @2/1
1:00 Inchworm w/ Push Up and Squat*
*Slowly walk the hands out to the top of a
push up, perform a push up, walk the hands
back, stand and perform an air squat.