Strength Workouts

2010-01-06 Strength WOD

– 2 Rep Max

– 8 x 2 Reps

Barbell Lunges
5 x 5 Reps (Each Leg)

2 replies on “2010-01-06 Strength WOD”

Well I did this last night…but since I had done 100 pullups for time in th emorning, I decided to just do weighted pullups…well that was the idea but I was so tired PLUS we do not have weigts that were easy for me to use while doing pullups…anyway I ended up doing 3 sets of 2 with 13# (I know not much but it is a start)

On to the snatch – I started with drills and then just the bar. With the bar I can cacth it in a squat but once I went to 65 all I could manage was a power snatch….so I did 2 x 65#, 2×70#, 2×80 and then it toook me two attempts and a load of talking to myself and then I got 2×85# I then did some drills with 90# and 95#

As I felt quite fatigued I just used the barbell for the lunges.

By the way the 85# snatch is a PR as I have never attempted anything above 75#…..

I did this one last night too.

Weighted pullups x 2 reps, worked up to 80#.

Snatch, I did power snatch. Practiced with #95, started at 135#, 4 rounds with 155#, then back to 135# for the last two.

Barbell Lunges, 135#. Five lunges down, turned around and five lunges back. Did all five sets without putting down the barbell. Keeping it on the back motivated me to keep my but moving and not rest too long.

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