
2010-02-27 Open Gym

Saturdays are open gym from 9:00 a.m. until noon.  You can come in to work on specific movements, particularly ones in which you need practice and further instruction.  We will have a WOD that you can do or you can choose to do a WOD that you missed this week.

4 replies on “2010-02-27 Open Gym”

I challenge anybody headed to the Boneyard on Saturday to do the WOD “Engine 13”. Ask Jennie, she’ll put in on ya!

David did “Engine 13” this morning and got 4 rounds. He used the larger tire and the 150# sandbag! Newbie Dave did a version of the same workout. He did five rounds using the smaller tire and 80# SB. It took him just under 10 minutes. Josh and Jennie plan to do
“Engine 13” sometime during the week. We’ll see who else we can recruit… 🙂

Cody and I joined Josh for a WOD that we did in Jan. or Feb. It’s 4 rounds of pushups, situps, superman, and plank, working/holding for one minute each with a 1 minute rest between rounds.

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