Articles Nutrition

Paleo Breakfasts

If you are participating in our 100-day Nutrition Challenge, you should begin your first week sometime before next Sunday, January 10.  During the first week of the challenge you will be striving to eat Paleo breakfasts all week.  People often ask, “If I can’t eat bread, oatmeal, or cereal for breakfast, what can I eat!?”  You may eat any number of the millions of combinations of meat, veggies, fruit, and tree nuts.  Check out the links below and search for more breakfast ideas and recipes using the key terms “Paleo + breakfast recipes.”  If you find a recipe and like the result, please share it with us.

eHow’s Paleo Diet Breakfast

5 Simple & Tasty Breakfast Recipes

29 Paleo Breakfast Recipes by LaLanne Fitness

Who says you have to eat breakfast at breakfast?  David and Jennie ate this for dinner tonight and it was de-li-cious!

Breakfast for Dinner

If you do not have time to prepare a meal in the morning, you can grab food and go.  Example:  boiled eggs, a banana, and some almond butter.  Or try preparing an egg casserole the night before.  David and Jennie are reheating and eating the egg casserole (pictured below) containing chicken sausage with sheep casings, broccoli, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, and garlic….[1 hour in the oven at 350 degrees] that Jennie cooked tonight for breakfast in the morning.  Yum, yum!

Quick Breakfast

6 replies on “Paleo Breakfasts”

I believe it was 16 eggs. I cut it into 8 pieces. I will eat my four in four meals. David will eat his four in two! 🙂 For all I know, his are already gone! LOL! And yes, it is very tasty even sans cheese and milk.

Thanks. I’ll probably make that this weekend to get me through next week’s breakfasts.

So far the hardest thing for me is diet coke. I miss my 1 a day.

Kelly, the first step is admitting you’re an addict. LOL! All of us have that one food or drink that we hate to give up. You’ve developed a habit and it’s hard to just forget about. The sound of the click-hiss is irresistible. Next time you want one, Google “diet coke.”

Check out these articles: -

I used to drink one a day until I realized that I was getting headaches after drinking a Diet Coke or Diet Dr. Pepper. I believe it’s the aspartame because if I drink a regular Dr. Pepper, I don’t have the same reaction.

“In the meantime, no one’s saying water is bad for us.” – taken from mcmanweb article above

Keep up the good work Kelly! I am having a hard time resisting goodies that my co-workers bring the office. So far I have been able to resist chocolate cake and fudge.

So I came home after the evening group classes at The Boneyard and looked in the fridge. Yeah, David ate all four slices this morning. What’d I say?

Ok, made a good fish dinner. Where do you want me to post that? (since this appears to be a breakfast topic.

We just added a new post titled “Paleo Recipes and Resources.” Please post it there. Thanks in advance for sharing!

Jennie made an apple raisin walnut chicken entree tonight. She will use less butter and guava next time. It was like eating a piece of apple pie with some chicken. 😉

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