Community Events Nutrition Rest Day

2010-01-03 Rest Day

Sunday is rest day at 41Fitness.  Our weekly announcements are posted on Sunday.  Be sure to read the 2009-11-08 Sunday post discussing the importance of recovery.

41Fitness hopes you and yours had a memorable 2009 and  wonderful holiday season!  Welcome to the year 2010!

Weekly Announcements

Monday, January 4 is the first day of 41Fitness’s 30-day fitness challenge and 100-day nutrition challenge.  You may start on any day this week if you are unable to begin on Monday.  The 30-day Fitness Challenge is designed to make you stronger or better at any one movement; although, you may choose two or more movements to improve.  If, for instance, you choose double-unders, on the first day of the fitness challenge, you will perform one double under.  On the second day, you will perform two double-unders…third day – three double-unders….fourth day – four double-unders, etc.  The next time you are at The Boneyard we can discuss what movements you’d like to improve and the best way to achieve results.

During the first week of the 100-day Nutrition Challenge, you will strive to eat Paleo foods for breakfast everyday.  During the second week, you will strive to eat at least two Paleo meals each day.  For more information on the Paleo Diet, read our Nutrition page.  We will be publishing nutrition posts for those participating in the challenge.

– 41Fitness will be attending the 2010 Garage Games in Woodstock, Georgia on February 6 & 7.  There are beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels of competition.  We encourage all 41Fitness members to compete and/or cheer on friends and members of 41Fitness who will be competing.  Please let us know if any of you are interested and would like to carpool.  Visit our Events page for other upcoming events.

– Did you set any New Year’s Resolutions?  Please share your fitness and non-fitness goals with us and others, so we can motivate you and hold you accountable.  You may tell us next time you’re “work’n hard at the ‘yard” or you can place it in comments on this post.

– Speaking of resolutions….getting some or more exercise, losing weight,  and learning something new are three of the top ten most popular resolutions.  If someone you know has mentioned these, you should invite them to come take a tour.  Bring them to see a workout and to chat with us about functional fitness and what we do.

A message to our members:  Rest today, for training starts again tomorrow.