Community Events Rest Day

2010-06-26/27 Rest Day

The Boneyard will be closed Saturday, June 26, 2010.  41Fitness trainers David and Cody will be playing with the Montgomery Yellowhammers for the first time in a Rugby 7’s Tournament starting at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday at Heardmont Park in Birmingham.  Wish them luck!

Weekly Announcements
Weekly announcements are usually posted on Sundays which are our Rest Days.  We email these announcements to those on our mailing list.  If you want to receive these announcements and other updates, please email us at [email protected].  We also provide updates on Facebook and Twitter throughout the week.

– The Boneyard is now open for 5:00 and 5:30 a.m. classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

– The WORK’N HARD AT THE ‘YARD shirts are available for pick-up at The Boneyard.  The SWEAT ANGEL shirts will be ready soon.  We ordered extra shirts, so if you are interested in purchasing one, let us know.

– 41Fitness will be taking a group to the Faction Games 2010 on Saturday & Sunday, August 7-8 at Shelby Farms in Memphis, TN and the Inaugural Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at Disney World in Orlando, FL. Let us know if you are interested in attending either of these events.

– The temps are reaching 100+ at The Boneyard. It’s critical to stay hydrated before and after your workout. The Water section of our 23 Hours page explains how much water you should drink daily and for one hour of physical activity.  We want you to know the warning signs for heat cramps, heat stroke, and heat exhaustion. The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) provides information on heat-related illnesses, including how to prevent and treat them, and who is most at risk.