Underground Strength Workouts

2010-12-27 UGS

Five Rounds
1a. 5 Sandbag Clean & Press
1b. Submax Pullups

Three Rounds
2a. 6/6 KB Bulgarian Split Squat
2b. 100′ Med Ball Hand Walk

Two Rounds
3a. 5/5 KB Snatch
3b. 5/5 KB Press
3c. 10 Goblet Squat
3d. 10 Goblet Lunges
3e. 10 1 Arm Rows
3f. 20 KB Swings

100 Sledge Strikes

3 replies on “2010-12-27 UGS”

We will be closed Friday (Dec. 31) and Saturday (Jan. 1) for New Year’s.

May the dawning of this New Year fill your heart with new hopes, open up new horizons and bring for you promises of brighter tomorrows. May you have a great 2011!

Love, Jennie, David, Cody, Britt, & The Boneyard

Photo: Cute Puppy Barbell Photo
Meet Herschel from CrossFit South Brooklyn

Video: Globo Gym Santa
Santa’s training program looks a lot different before and after he discovered CrossFit.
It begins with the swing… 😉

How humbling was the UGS. It was my first work out after Foundations. I look forward to more! The #1 reason I started CF is to get stronger. I want my grandkids’ friends to say, “Is that your Grandma who just climbed to the top bleacher? Dang…” The #1 reason I’m staying is because of the awesome instruction, encouragement, correction, and atmosphere at CF Montgomery! I will get stronger! Move over punk, make room for Granny!

The UGS WODs are always humbling to me. You, Patrick, Paulette, and Matt did very well, especially with the exercises that were new to you. I love your reasons for starting and staying. “Move over punk, make room for Granny!” Awesome! LOL!

I did this WOD last night. I used the 40#, 50#, and 60# sandbags. I got three pullups each round. I used the 16kg for all the kettlebell work except for the KB swings. I used the 32kg for the swings which was killer on my grip. The presses were the hardest. I used the 12# sledge hammer. My favorite/least fave part of the WOD was when I did my first-ever wheelbarrel! Ha! Those are harder than I thought they would be…if you keep your body from twisting. Great WOD as usual!

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