CrossFit Workouts

2010-05-28 CrossFit

Courtesy of

3 Rounds for time:
– 30 Squat Cleans (95#/65#)
– 30 Pullups
– 800m Run

Navy Chief Special Warfare Operator Mark T. Carter, 27, of Fallbrook, Calif.; assigned to Tactical Development and Evaluation Squadron 2, Virginia Beach, Va.; died Dec. 11, 2007 in Balad, Iraq, as a result of enemy action while conducting combat operations in Iraq.  Carter is survived by his father, mother, three brothers and four sisters.

Article:  SEAL chief killed in Iraq, Navy says

Underground Strength Workouts

2010-05-28 UGS

Five Rounds
1a. 10 KB Front Squats
1b. 1-3 Rope Climbs

Three Rounds
2a. 10 Jumping Lunges
2b. Max Tactical Pushups

Four Rounds
3a. 10 Slam Balls
3b. 20 Burpees
3c. 30 Sledge Strikes

Three Rounds
4a. 200′ Tire Drag
4b. 20 Knees to Elbows

Strength Workouts

2010-05-28 Strength

Lower Body Dynamic Effort
1. 10 x 2 Deadlift
2. 5 x 3 Lunge
3. 5 x 10 Glute Ham Raise