Underground Strength Workouts

2009-12-30 UGS WOD

5 Rounds:
1a. 3 Handstand Pushups
1b. 1 Rope Climb

4 Rounds:
2a. Max Weighted Pullups
2b. 6-10 Alternating Presses

4 Rounds:
3a. 6 Hang Cleans
3b. 100′ Overhead Lockout Walk

3 Rounds:
4a. 10 Knees to Elbows
4b. 10 One Arm Sledge Strikes

3 replies on “2009-12-30 UGS WOD”

I did this one with Cody, Brian P. and Pete. For the handstand pushups, I worked against the negative. I only did three or four rope climbs. I attempted to do a 20-pound weighted pullup….which was comical. I used 12# KBs for the presses and did 12# two-armed sledge strikes. Yes, forearms were locking up during the workout.

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