Underground Strength Workouts

2009-12-21 UGS WOD

15 Minute AMRAP
1a. 5 Clean and Press (Sandbag/KB)
1b. 5 Ring Rows

10 Minute AMRAP
2a. 6 Ring Dips
2b. 100′ Farmers Walk
2c. Suicide Run

3 replies on “2009-12-21 UGS WOD”

I think I got 18 and 6.

My Ring Rows were disturbingly weak and lacked proper form and conviction…while my Suicide Runs were rather slow given my high-school basketball career on the bench.

You did good CJ. I know you were working hard. Temp was in the 30s and you stripped down to a t-shirt and shorts. If you think you found a weakness, make it your new strength and find another weakness.

CJ set the standard on this one. Bring it PM group! 🙂

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