CrossFit Workouts

2009-12-16 WOD

4 Rounds for time:
– 250m Row
– Jumping Pullups (40-30-20-10)
– Stationary Lunges (40-30-20-10)
– Squat Thrusts (40-30-20-10)

4 replies on “2009-12-16 WOD”

…but it looked so easy! NOT! 25 minutes & change. I should be able to walk again by early next week though. 😉

Time: 20:10

Sometimes the ones that look easy are the most difficult. This should have been called “Leg Blaster!” The PMers voted to do 40-30-20-10 total lunges not 40-30-20-10 reps per leg….so we could walk tomorrow.

It was still a total of 100 lunges, just not 100 per leg. 😉

But don’t worry….you don’t really need your legs for either WOD tomorrow. Besides, having the use of your legs is SO overrated! Ha!

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