@ Home Workouts

2009-11-28 WOD

5K Run
“Turkey Trot”

@ Home Workouts

2009-11-27 WOD

15 to 5 / 5 to 15 (for time)
1a. Burpees or Squat Thrusts
2a. Air Squats

1a. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
2a. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
@ Home Workouts

2009-11-26 WOD

Pushup Breathing Ladder

Work to failure three times:
 – 1 Pushup, 1 Breath for Rest
 – 2 Pushups, 2 Breaths for Rest
 – 3 Pushups, 3 Breaths for Rest
 – 4 Pushups, 4 Breaths for Rest
 – etc.

Rest for three to five minutes between sets.

CrossFit Workouts

2009-11-25 WOD

Courtesy of

30 Minutes, on the minute do:
– 5 Pullups
– 10 Pushups
– 15 Air Squats

Note: Perform 8 situps in place of pullups if you are doing this one at home and do not have access to a pullup bar.

Underground Strength Workouts

2009-11-25 UGS WOD

– Row 500m
– Hip Mobility
– 200′ Tire Drag

Tire Flips
– 3 x 5 Tire Flips (2 minutes rest before each set)

– 3 x 5 reps (1 minute rest before each set)
– 3 x 3 reps (2 minutes rest before each set)
– 3 x 1 reps (3 minutes rest before each set)

Underground Strength Workouts

2009-11-24 UGS WOD

– Row 500m
– Shoulder Mobility
– 10 Sandbag Clean and Press w/ Squat Drop

Weighted Pullups
– 3 x 3 reps (2 minutes rest before each set)
– 3 x 1 reps (2 minutes rest before each set)

Standing Press
– 3 x 5 reps (1 minute rest before each set)
– 3 x 3 reps (2 minutes rest before each set)
– 3 x 1 reps (3 minutes rest before each set)

CrossFit Workouts

2009-11-24 WOD

“Fight Gone Bad”
Courtesy of

3 Rounds
Work for 1 minute at each station and rest 1 minute between rounds:

 – Wall Ball (10′; 20#/14#)
 – SDHP (75#/55#)
 – Box Jump (20″)
 – Push Press (75#/55#)
 – Row

Add up your total reps for Wall Ball, SDHP, Box Jump, Push Press, and calories on the Rower to get your FBG score.

Post your FGB score to Comments.

Why is it called “Fight Gone Bad”?  Watch explanation and demo  – [wmv][mov]

CrossFit Workouts

2009-11-23 WOD

– Row 500m
– Shoulder Mobility
– Hip Mobility

3 Rounds:
– 15 KB Swings
– 10 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (SDHP)
– 5 KB Goblet Squats

CrossFit Total

Back Squat, 3 x 1RM
Shoulder Press, 3 x 1RM
Deadlift, 3 x 1 RM

The sum of your best three attempts of the Back Squat, Shoulder Press and Deadlift is your CrossFit Total.

Post your Total to comments.

Article:  The CrossFit Total by Mark Rippetoe

Underground Strength Workouts

2009-11-23 UGS WOD

– Row 500m
– Hip Mobility
– 5 Sandbag Shoulders w/ Squat Drop (each side)

Power Clean
– 3 x 5 reps (2 minutes rest before each set)

– 3 x 5 reps (1 minute rest before each set)
– 3 x 3 reps (2 minutes rest before each set)
– 3 x 1 reps (3 minutes rest before each set)

Community Rest Day

2009-11-22 Rest Day

Sunday is rest day at 41Fitness.  We will start posting weekly announcements on Sunday.  The 2009-11-08 Sunday post discussed the importance of recovery.

Weekly Announcements

 – As many of you know, we have been adding to our eclectic music library at The Boneyard.  We want to know what pumps you up.  There will be a sign-up sheet at the gym.  Please be sure to provide us with the artist name and song title.

 – Our second batch of tees were ordered and will be available for pick-up on Tuesday night and thereafter.  We will be ordering sweatshirts, hoodies, beanies, and head/sweat bands.  If you are interested in any of these items, pray tell.

 – We will be closed for the Thanksgiving holidays.  We will have morning classes on Wednesday, November 25 but not Wednesday evening.  Our regular class schedule will resume on Monday, November 30.  We will have WODs posted on our Web site for Thanksgiving Day, Friday, and Saturday.  The WODs will be workouts that you can do at home or while on holiday visiting family and friends to work off that yummy turkey dinner.

 – Saturday, December 5 is the 20th Annual Jingle Bell Run.  Join 41Fitness as we run/walk for Arthritis.  Visit Events for more info.  Our hours will be from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. on that day.

A message to our members:  Rest today, for training starts again tomorrow.