CrossFit Montgomery – CF
2 Rounds
100 Single Unders
10 Kip Swings
10 Squats (light sandbag or DBs on R2)
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Squats (light sandbag or DBs on R2)
Option 1
30 Bar Muscle Ups in as few sets as possible
Rest no more than 3:00 between big sets
Opiton 2
15 Bar Muscle Ups in as few sets as possible
Rest no more than 3:00 between big sets
Option 3
EMOM 12 Minutes
1-3 Bar Muscle Ups, or Assisted Bar Muscle Ups
(band, jumping, etc.)
Metcon (Time)
Every Minute until 80 Clean and Jerks have been completed, alternating minutes with a partner:
10 Pull Ups
Max Clean and Jerks (135/95lbs) in remaining time
14 Minute Cap