CrossFit WOD
Overhead Squats
5-3-2-5-3-2 w/ 2:00 Rest
AMRAP – 10:00
– 5 Ring Dips
– 5 Hang Power Cleans
– 25 Double Unders
CrossFit WOD
Overhead Squats
5-3-2-5-3-2 w/ 2:00 Rest
AMRAP – 10:00
– 5 Ring Dips
– 5 Hang Power Cleans
– 25 Double Unders
CrossFit Montgomery offers the following classes for kids:
CrossFit Kids is a strength and conditioning program that is specifically designed for children and teenagers and aimed to help them develop a lifelong love of fitness. CrossFit Kids is not simply a scaled down version of CrossFit. It is entirely, absolutely CrossFit geared and designed for a special population and the specific needs of that population.
*CrossFit Montgomery utilizes the CrossFit Kids certified lesson plans for all classes/age groups: Pre-School, Pre-Teens and Teens. All of the movements are taught safely and effectively under the close supervision of thoroughly trained CrossFit Kids trainers Jennie Sumner (co-owner of CrossFit Montgomery) and Andrea Searor (co-owner of CrossFit Apeiron).