CrossFit Workouts

2011-06-13 WOD

3-3-3-3-3 Reps

Bottom to Bottom Tabata

Mobility WOD

Beyond the Whiteboard

6 replies on “2011-06-13 WOD”

This’ll have to wait til maybe Saturday lol–legs are like rocks still. Deadlifts + bottom to bottom.

Just watched a video of bottom to bottom tabata squats on youtube. If you were blind watching the video, you would think they were killing people. People are screaming and yelling. Kind of funny actually.

Nothing like a workout to make you feel like it was your first time ever doing Crossfit! B2B tabata sucked, but it was a good kind of suck 🙂 The gym at Spang is cool just not the same as the Boneyard. Miss you guys. A lot! Z

Hey Z, miss you man. Tabata made my legs feel like they were on fire… pr’d on deadlift. This weekend’s Rumble by the River was inspiring i guess.

I too sounded like I was being killed, Josh. It was so bad, I did it twice – once with the lunch bunch and then with Christy & Jof in the evening.

We miss you! 🙂

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