Events Workouts

2010-03-27 Spring Saturday

Spring is in the air!  Beginning Saturday, March 20, 41Fitness is hosting Spring Saturdays from 10 a.m.-noon.  Join us for a free tour and a free workout.  If you plan to work out, be sure to wear comfortable clothes and good shoes.  You’ll be moving around and breaking a sweat.

Saturdays are open gym from 9:00 a.m. until noon.  Members can come in to work on specific movements, particularly ones in which they need practice and further instruction.  We will have a WOD that they can do or they can choose to do a WOD they missed this week.

One reply on “2010-03-27 Spring Saturday”

41Fitness would like to thank Regina, Brian H., Gwen, Erin, Liz, George, and Joseph for visiting The Boneyard today. We look forward to seeing some of you working out at the gym soon!

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