Underground Strength Workouts

2009-12-21 UGS WOD

15 Minute AMRAP
1a. 5 Clean and Press (Sandbag/KB)
1b. 5 Ring Rows

10 Minute AMRAP
2a. 6 Ring Dips
2b. 100′ Farmers Walk
2c. Suicide Run

Underground Strength Workouts

2009-12-14 UGS WOD

3 Rounds:
– Max Tactical Pushups
– Max Tactical Pullups

3 Rounds:
– 10 Sandbag Clean & Squat Drop
– 10 Jumping Lunges

3 Rounds:
– 5-10 Alternating Presses
– 10 Double KB Rows

4 Rounds:
– 5 Tire Flip & 5 Tire Jumps
(Note: Flip the tire and do 5 tire jumps, repeat 5 times each round.)
– 15 Ring Dips

100 Tire Tread Chops
(Note: Stand on top of the tire with feet outside the shoulder, lean down and strike the tread of the tire between your feet.)

Underground Strength Workouts

2009-12-09 UGS WOD

3 Rounds
1a. 10 Handstand Pushups
1b. 5 Rope Climbs

4 Rounds
2a. 40-30-20-10 KB Rows
2b. 40-30-20-10 Ring Pushups

3 Rounds
3a. 10 Weighted Pullups
3b. 10 Weighted Ring Dips

3 Rounds
4a. 10 Med Ball GHDs
4b. 200′ Farmers Walk

Underground Strength Workouts

2009-11-30 UGS WOD

Power Clean (40-50% max deadlift)
3 X 3 (1 min rest between sets)

Front Squat
3 x 10 (1 min) 50% max back squat
4 x 5 (1 min) 55% max back squat
5 x 3 (1 min) 60% max back squat

4 Rounds:
1a. 20 Ring Dips
1b. 10 Weighted Pullups

5 Rounds:
2a. 200′ Farmers Walk
2b. 20 Sledge Strikes

Underground Strength Workouts

2009-11-20 UGS WOD

Week 3
Upper Body (UB)

5 Rounds:
1a. 5-10 Alternating Presses
1b. 5 Weighted Pullups

4 Rounds:
2a. 15 Weighted Pushups or Ring Dips
2b. 10 Bentover Double Kettlebell Row

3 Rounds:
3a. 5 Hang Cleans
3b. Tire Harness Overhead Extension and Standing Press

5 Rounds:
4a. 200ft Farmer’s Walk
4b. 20 Sledge Strikes

Underground Strength Workouts

2009-11-13 UGS WOD

Week 2
Upper Body (UB)

5 Rounds:
1a. 5-10 Alternating Presses
1b. 5 Weighted Pullups

4 Rounds:
2a. 15 Weighted Pushups or Ring Dips
2b. 10 Bentover Double Kettlebell Row

3 Rounds:
3a. 5 Hang Cleans
3b. Tire Harness Standing Press

5 Rounds:
4a. 200ft Farmer’s Walk
4b. 20 Sledge Strikes

Underground Strength Workouts

2009-11-06 UGS WOD

Week 1
Upper Body (UB)

5 Rounds:
1a. 5-10 Alternating Presses
1b. 5 Weighted Pullups

4 Rounds:
2a. 15 Weighted Pushups or Ring Dips
2b. 10 Bentover Double Kettlebell Row

3 Rounds:
3a. 5 Hang Cleans
3b. Tire Harness Overhead Extension and Standing Press

5 Rounds:
4a. 200ft Farmer’s Walk
4b. 20 Sledge Strikes