Strength Workouts

2009-12-21 Strength WOD

Press @ 50% Max Press
25 Reps for time.

Push Press @ 70% Max Press
2 x 25 Reps for time

Events Rest Day

2009-12-20 Rest Day

Sunday is rest day at 41Fitness.  Our weekly announcements are posted on Sunday.  Be sure to read the 2009-11-08 Sunday post discussing the importance of recovery.

Weekly Announcements

– 41Fitness wishes you and yours a very merry Christmas and a “Happy Holidays” to all!  41Fitness Holiday Hours of Operation: The Boneyard will be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (December 24 & 25) and New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day (December 31 & January 1).

– Our Events page lists upcoming events, providing opportunities for 41Fitness’s members and friends to compete/participate and/or ”people-watch.”  Check them out and tell us if you know of any other upcoming events.

– 12 more days until 2010!  Have you thought about your New Year’s Resolution(s)?  Share your fitness and non-fitness goals with us and others, so we can motivate you and hold you accountable.  You may tell us next time you’re “work’n hard at the ‘yard” or you can place it in comments on our New Year’s Day post.  We will also have a New Year’s challenge or two for you.  More info coming soon…

– Speaking of resolutions….getting some or more exercise, losing weight,  and learning something new are three of the top ten most popular resolutions.  If someone you know has mentioned these, you should invite them to come take a tour.  Bring them to see a workout and to chat with us about functional fitness and what we do.  Friends don’t let friends sign up for 6-month or 12-month contracts at “globo” gyms that don’t care whether you actually show up, where they will most likely wander aimlessly from machine to machine trying to figure out how to use it and how many reps and what weight to use or jump on cardio equipment for 30 minutes or an hour to burn like 300 calories, and inevitably become frustrated and unmotivated to go when they see no results.  41Fitness wants you to come, get fit, stay fit, and live a healthier life.  At The Boneyard, we are a family, supporting, motivating, sweating, crying, laughing WITH you!  And when you do join and come, you will also be achieving five other top ten New Year’s resolutions:  spending more time with friends and family [your family and friends at 41Fitness], enjoying life more [outside of the gym], helping others [supporting and motivating them at The Boneyard….oh and you’ll be stronger and can lift heavy objects the correct way without injuring yourself next time you help a friend move], getting organized [you’ll have more energy to tackle those organization projects at home and work] and quitting smoking [because there’s no way you can continue to smoke and do our workouts].  Unfortunately, we cannot assist you with the last top ten resolutions: getting out of debt and quitting or cutting back on drinking…  😉

A message to our members:  Rest today, for training starts again tomorrow.


2009-12-19 Open Gym

Saturdays are open gym from 9:00 a.m. until noon.  You can come in to work on specific movements, particularly ones in which you need practice and further instruction.  We will have a WOD that you can do or you can choose to do a WOD that you missed this week. 

Tomorrow, we will have instruction on a specific exercise.  Shhh….it’s a surprise!  Hint:  You should wear or bring long pants.

Underground Strength Workouts

2009-12-18 UGS WOD

3 Rounds
– Max Pullups
– 100′ Overhead Lockout Walk

4 Rounds
– Max Handstand Pushups
– 10 One Armed Sledge Strikes

4 Rounds
– 50′ Alligator Pushups
– 50′ Tire Rope Pull & 50′ Tire Row

50 Weighted Situps

CrossFit Workouts

2009-12-18 WOD

1. Deadlift (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
2. Double Unders (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20)

Strength Workouts

2009-12-18 Strength WOD

Sumo Deadlift Practice

Deadlift @ 60-65% Max Deadlift
– 5 x 30 secs (1 min rest)

Speed Squats @ 60-65% Max Back Squat
– 5 x 5 secs (1 min rest)

Barbell Good Mornings @ 25% Max Deadlift
– 5 x 5

CrossFit Workouts

2009-12-17 WOD

AMRAP – 20 Minutes
– 12 KB Swings (One Arm)
– 9 KB Rows (One Arm)
– 6 KB Cleans (One Arm)
– 3 KB Presses (One Arm)

Strength Workouts

2009-12-17 Strength WOD

Weighted Pullups
– 3 x 3 reps
– 3 x 1 reps

Standing Press
– 3 x 5 reps
– 3 x 3 reps
– 3 x 1 reps

Underground Strength Workouts

2009-12-16 UGS WOD

3 Rounds
– 10 Sandbag Step Ups
– Leg Blaster (20 Air Squat, 10 Lunges, 10 Jumping Lunges, 10 Jumping Squats)

3 Rounds
– 8 Clean, Catch, Squat
– 8 Double KB Cleans

3 Rounds
– 10 Hip Extensions
– Suicide Run

25 Windmills

CrossFit Workouts

2009-12-16 WOD

4 Rounds for time:
– 250m Row
– Jumping Pullups (40-30-20-10)
– Stationary Lunges (40-30-20-10)
– Squat Thrusts (40-30-20-10)