
[Food] Preparation is Key!

To avoid eating out or grabbing food to go, you will need to prepare meals ahead of time.  This includes deciding what meals you are going to prepare for the week and shopping for the food.  It may also include cooking casseroles or meals and possibly washing and cutting up veggies ahead of time.  If this is not what you usually do, it may take some time for you to get into a routine and know what food to buy and how much food you will need for the week.

Full Fridge on Sundays
Full Fridge on Sundays

On Sundays, David and Jennie spend a few hours cooking and preparing meals for the week.  See the fully-loaded fridge above?  This Sunday it contained washed and cut veggies and fruit and an egg breakfast casserole (pictured below).  By the end of the week, the fridge will be nearly empty.  David eats A LOT!

41Fitness is on our second week of our 100-day nutrition challenge.  This week you should be striving to eat two Paleo meals each day.  Here are some of David and Jennie’s meals from the past two weeks.  Recipes are not included because Jennie created most of these on her own.  If you are interested in any recipes, ask Jennie to tell you what ingredients she used and how she made them.

Chicken & Pine Nuts with Broccoli, Bell Peppers and Grape Tomatoes
Chicken & Pine Nuts with Broccoli, Bell Peppers and Grape Tomatoes (Jennie likes lots of color on our plates!)
Chicken Salad with Apples, Walnuts, and Raisins
Chicken Salad with Apples, Walnuts, Raisins, Black Pepper, and Mayo (Served cold.)
Honey Mustard Meatballs with Jalapenos, Bell Peppers, Onions, and Tomatoes
Honey Mustard Turkey Meatballs with Jalapenos, Bell Peppers, Onions, and Tomatoes (It may not look that good, but wowza, it was delicious!)
Chicken with Apples, Walnuts, and Raisins (Cooked and Served Hot)
Chicken with Apples, Walnuts, and Raisins, Butter and Cinnamon (Cooked and served hot. Jennie used too much butter. It was like eating apple pie with chicken. Yum!)
Honey Mustard Chicken Fingers with Jalapenos and Zucchini and Carrots
Honey Mustard Chicken Fingers with Jalapenos and Zucchini and Carrots (Prepared for the BCS Championship Game - Roll Tide!)
Egg Casserole with Chicken Sausage, Broccoli, Tomatoes, and Mushrooms
Egg Casserole with Chicken Sausage, Broccoli, Tomatoes, and Mushrooms (Prepared ahead of time and reheated in the morning.)
Ginger Coconut Pineapple Chicken with Broccoli, Bell Peppers, and Onions
Ginger Coconut Pineapple Chicken with Broccoli, Bell Peppers, and Onions (Made with coconut milk.)
Roasted Garlic Chicken with Carrots, Squash, Zucchini, Onions, and Mushrooms
Roasted Garlic Chicken with Carrots, Squash, Zucchini, Onions, and Mushrooms (Photo above was taken before food was cooked.)
Mediterranean Mahi and Chicken
Mediterranean Mahi and Chicken (Dish prepared by Kardio. Recipe can be found on our Paleo Recipes and Resources post linked below. It was restaurant-quality!

Please continue adding any Paleo-friendly recipes that you recommend to our Paleo Recipes and Resources post.  Bon Appetit!

Underground Strength Workouts

2010-01-13 UGS WOD

4 Rounds
1a. 3 Handstand Pushups
1b. 1 Rope Climb

4 Rounds
2a. 6 KB Snatch & Press
2b. 10 BB Rows

4 Rounds
3a. Max Tarzan Pullups
3b. Max Ring Pushups

100 Sledge Strikes

CrossFit Workouts

2010-01-13 WOD

Four Rounds
– Pushups (1 Minute)
– Supermans (1 Minute)
– Situps (1 Minute)
– Planks (1 Minute)
– Rest (1 Minute)

Strength Workouts

2010-01-13 Strength WOD

– 1 Rep Max

– 3 x 10 Reps
– 4 x 5 Reps
– 5 x 3 Reps

Clean Pull
– 5 x 3 Reps

Clean High Pull
– 5 x 1 Reps

CrossFit Workouts

2010-01-12 WOD

Ten Rounds
– 5 Front Squat (135#/95#)
– 10 Box Jump

Strength Workouts

2010-01-11 Strength

Back Squat
– 3 Rep Max

Overhead Squat
– 1 Rep Max

– 3 x 10 Reps

Push Press
– 4 x 5 Reps

Push/Split Jerk
– 5 x 3 Reps

Medicine Ball GHDs
– 5 x 5 Reps

Glute Ham Raises
– 5 x 3 Reps

Underground Strength Workouts

2010-01-11 UGS WOD

5 Rounds
1. 5 Box Squats

4 Rounds
2. 6-10 Split Squats

3 Rounds
3a. 10 Weighted Back Extensions
3b. 50′ Broad Jumps
3c. 50′ Duck Walk
3d. 10 Kettlebell Swings

3 Rounds
4a. 200′ Farmers Walk
4b. 10 Med Ball GHDs

CrossFit Workouts

2010-01-11 WOD

Push Press
– 5 x 3 Reps

– Wall Ball (20-15-10-5)
– Row 250m

Community Events Nutrition Rest Day

2010-01-10 Rest Day

Sunday is rest day at 41Fitness.  Our weekly announcements are posted on Sunday.  Be sure to read the 2009-11-08 Sunday post discussing the importance of recovery.

Weekly Announcements

We are on day seven of our 30-day Fitness Challenge.  The challenge is designed to make you stronger or better at any one movement; although, you may choose two or more movements to improve.  It’s not too late to begin the challenge and catch up.  The next time you are at The Boneyard we can discuss what movements you’d like to improve and the best way to achieve results.

Most of you will be starting your second week of the 100-day Nutrition Challenge tomorrow.  This week you should strive to eat two Paleo meals each day.  Most of you have been gradually changing your diet.  During our third week of the challenge, you will only eat two non-Paleo meals (often referred to as “cheat meals”) during the week.  It is never too late to start.  For more information on the Paleo Diet, read our Nutrition page.  This page also provides links to our other nutrition posts.

– 41Fitness will be taking a group to the 2010 Garage Games in Woodstock, Georgia on February 6 & 7.  There are beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels of competition.  We encourage all 41Fitness members to compete and/or cheer on friends and members of 41Fitness who will be competing.  Please let us know if any of you are interested and would like to carpool.  Visit our Events page for other upcoming events.

A message to our members:  Rest today, for training starts again tomorrow.

CrossFit Workouts

2010-01-09 WOD

CrossFit Total

– Back Squat 3 x 1 Reps
– Press 3 x 1 Reps
– Deadlift 3 x 1 Reps