CrossFit Montgomery – CF
AMRAP 5 Minutes
8/6 Calorie Machine
12 Jumping Lunges
8 Scap Push Ups
50′ Light Farmer’s Carry
EMOM 10 Minutes, alternating movements:
– 10 Banded Strict Pull Ups
– 10 Push Ups
A: Pull-ups
Use a band that allows for FAST reps. Athletes may start with a lighter band and increase band thickness as needed.
B: Push-ups
Use a band if needed to allow perfect form and fast reps. Athletes who can confidently hit 5 sets of 10 fast reps should add a deficit.
Metcon (Weight)
AMRAP 13 Minutes
12/10 Calorie Row
50′ Farmers Carry (athletes may pick their own weight/strategy)
Score is pounds moved (weight used multiplied by number of rounds)