CrossFit Montgomery – CF
“Jumping Nancy”
5 Rounds
50 Single Unders
15 PVC Overhead Squats
*Rounds 3-5, Athletes may switch to Double Unders and empty bar OHS.
Overhead Squat (20-20-20)
The goal is to choose a weight for each set that allows you to move it continuously with minimal stopping, not a 20RM.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 2 Minutes x 4
200′ KB Front Rack Carry (32/20kg) or Bear Hug Two Plates (90/50lbs)
Max Bar Muscle Ups in remaining time
Rest 2:00 minutes
Score will be the Max Bar Muscle Ups each round or scale by doing the most difficult pulling gymnastics option available (C2B, Chin over bar, or banded strict pull ups/ring rows)