
WEEK 14, DAY 3

CrossFit Montgomery – CF


200m Run (easy)

20 Walking Lunges

:30 Sandbag Bear Hug Hold

200m Run

20 Calf Raises

:30 Sandbag Bear Hug Hold

100m Run (hard)

20 Leg Swings

5 Clean & Jerks


Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

On a continuous clock:

Part a) Run 5k

REST 3:00

Part b) 20 Clean and Jerks (155/105lbs)

39 Minute CAP
Scoring: each athlete will enter three (3) times. If the athlete runs the 5k in 28:00 minutes, rests 3:00, and completes the Clean and Jerks in 4:00, they will enter the following scores:

R1: 28:00

R2: 3:00

R4: 4:00

Total time for the METCON will be 35:00.