CrossFit Montgomery – CF
3 Steady Rounds:
200m Row/Run
20 Russian KB Swings (24/16kg)
:10 Hanging L-Sit
6 Tempo Push Ups (slow down, fast up)
High CNS Day
3 Rounds
6 Deadlifts, heavy
Rest 2:00
1 set of Bench Presses*
Rest 2:00
Deadlift weight should be very heavy, but allow for 6 quality reps. Heavier than your sets of 10 from 6/12.
Big Set = mechanics do not degrade, but within 2-3 reps of failure. Go for broke on the last set using a spotter.
*Bench Press Weight guidelines:
R1: 80-90% (3-6 reps)
R2: 75-85% (5-8 reps)
R3: 70-80% (8-12 reps, but go for max reps)
Choose weights to achieve desired rep ranges in parenthesis.
Bench Press goal: more reps @ same weight as last time, or similar reps at heavier loading than last time.
Deadlift goal: sets of 6 are heavier than sets of 8 from last time.