CrossFit Montgomery – CF
4-way Banded Glute Activation, 20 steps per direction, 5 squats after each direction
1:00 Hip Openers
AMRAP 5 Minutes
1k row or 800m Run
Empty Bar Back Squats in time remaining
Tempo Back Squat (1 Every Minute for 10 Minutes)
Weight should be 60%+ of 1RM for all rounds
Perform a 3 second descent, then a full 1 second pause in the bottom position, then stand fast
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
AMRAP 15 Minutes
Teams of 5
100m Empty Sled Push
Perform waterfall style. If teams of 5 are not possible, then any team amount may be used. However, there must be a minimum of 2 minutes rest before each athletes start their next empty sled push.