There will only be one evening class at 5:30PM the next three Fridays (2/25, 3/4, 3/11) for the CrossFit Open. The gym will open at 4:30PM and heats will start at 5:30PM.
CrossFit Montgomery – CF
3 Steady Rounds
12 DB Front Rack Lateral Squats
10 Hanging Knee Raises
12 Jump Squats
100′ Odd Object Carry (lighter than workout)
Paused Front Squat (Build to a Heavy )
On a 9 Minute Clock:
*3 Second pause at bottom of squat
Bar taken from the rack
Metcon (Time)
Alternating full rounds with a partner
20 Rounds
8 Toes to Bar
200′ Odd Object Carry
Odd Object Options:
Sandbag: 100/70 (or less)
Plate: 55/45lbs
KB/DB: 70s/50s