Underground Strength Workouts

2011-01-13 WOD

Four Rounds
1a. 6 KB Snatch & Press
1b. 6 Deadlift

Four Rounds
2a. Max Ring Pushups
2b. 12 KB Swings

Four Rounds
3a. 100′ Tire Drag
3b. 10 Knees to Elbows

One reply on “2011-01-13 WOD”

Event: Garage Games 2011

We have one competitor and two volunteers going with a group of spectators to the Garage Games 2011 on February 4-6. The Boneyard will be closed Friday evening and Saturday, so you might as well just come with us. ;] There are 26 registrations left. Beginners are welcomed and so are volunteers.

Trainers Jennie and David will be attending Friday’s workshops at the Garage Games and then heading west to CrossFit Rabid for the CrossFit Gymnastics Certification.

Event: Scale Back Alabama 2011
Scale Back Alabama, the 10-week statewide weight-loss contest is set to kick-off on January 20. Grab your wife, grab your friends, and your husband too…cuz you need three other team members to compete. ;]

All individuals that wish to participate in Scale Back Alabama must form a team of exactly four members and must register at an official Scale Back Alabama weigh-in site during the weigh-in week, Jan. 22-28.

Article: Taking Short Breaks From Sitting May Help Waistline and Heart
Set an alarm, write a reminder on a sticky note…get up and move!

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