Underground Strength Workouts

2010-04-16 UGS

5 Rounds
1a. 12 Slam Balls
1b. 12 Jumping Squats

5 Rounds
2a. 6 Sandbag Cleans
2b. 6 Sandbag Step Ups

4 Rounds
3a. 1 Arm Tire Press
3b. 1 Arm Tire Row

CrossFit Workouts

2010-04-15 WOD

Twelve 1-Minute Rounds:
– x KB Swings
– x Air Squats

x = number of swings in 20 seconds

Strength Workouts

2010-04-15 Strength

Upper Body Dynamic Effort
1. 8 x 3 Presses
2. 5 x 10 KB Rows
3. 5 x 5 Handstand Pushups
4. 5 x 5 Knee Raises

CrossFit Workouts

2010-04-14 WOD

10 Rounds for time:
– 10 Push Presses
– 10 Double Unders

Underground Strength Workouts

2010-04-14 UGS

4 Rounds
1a. 3-5 Rope Climbs
1b. 5-8 Handstand Pushups

4 Rounds
2a. 10 Double Kettlebell Presses
2b. 10 Pullups

4 Rounds
3a. 50′ Alligator Pushups
3b. 10 KB Rows

100 Tread Chops

CrossFit Workouts

2010-04-13 WOD

Courtesy of

For time:
– 150 Wall Ball

Strength Workouts

2010-04-13 Strength

Upper Body Max Effort
1. 3RM Push Presses
2. 3 x 20 KB Rows
3. 5 x 10 Shrugs

CrossFit Workouts

2010-04-12 WOD

Overhead Squats
– 5 Sets

Strength Workouts

2010-04-12 Strength

Lower Body Max Effort
1. 1RM Good Morning
2. 5 x 5 Overhead Squats
3. 5 x 5 Romanian Deadlifts
4. 5 x 10 Weighted Situps

Underground Strength Workouts

2010-04-12 UGS

5 Rounds
1a. 5 Deadlifts

4 Rounds
2a. Leg Blaster

4 Rounds
3a. 100′ Forward Tire Drag
3b. 100′ Reverse Tire Drag
3c. 5 Tire Flips

50 Weighted Situps