CrossFit Montgomery – CF
10 Press Ups (Seal stretch, lower chest down to the floor, then press back up)
25 Thick Banded Good Mornings
20 Russian KB Swings (moderate weight)
20/16 Calorie Row
20 KB Taters
12/9 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Pause Front Squats with light plates
Re-Test from 11/19/2021
Front Squat Interval Test (Time)
For Time:
41/33 Calorie Row
19 Front Squats (165/115lbs)
24/19 Calorie AAB
Rest 4:00 Minutes
41/33 Calorie Row
14 Front Squats (185/125lbs)
24/19 Calorie AAB
Rest 4:00 Minutes
41/33 Calorie Row
9 Front Squats (205/135lbs)
24/19 Calorie AAB