We will have a small Christmas celebration for our CrossFit Montgomery members on Sunday December 19, 2021. It will be at The Tipping Point (in Hampstead) at 3:00pm. We will provide food and drink, so please let us know if you are able to attend so that we can prepare properly.
CrossFit Montgomery – CF
20 Slow A-Frame Toe Touches
3 Rounds
10 Single DB RDLs (per side)
10 Single Arm DB STOH (5 per arm)
2 Wall Walks
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 4 Minutes x 5
4 Toes to Bar
8 S-arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk (50/35lbs)
Rest 2:00 between AMRAPs
Continue where you left off after each AMRAP.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
In 7 Minutes:
Accumulate as much time as possible in an L-Sit or Bent Knee L-Sit Hold.
Choose a variation that allows for 10-30 seconds at a time.
Perform on parallettes or plates – not hanging. To be done after the conditioning.