Memorial Day Plans: Gym will open at 9 for Memorial Day Murph
CrossFit Montgomery – CF
600m run
2 rounds
10 right leg RDL w/ KB
10 left leg RDL w/ KB
3 inch worms
Metcon (Time)
For time:
For Time with a partner, waterfall style
30/20 cal row each
40/30 cal row each
50/40 cal row each
50/40 cal row each
40/30 cal row each
30/20 cal row each
Directly after each row, perform 15 UB
KB Swings. Choose the heaviest
weight you can do unbroken for all
Once athlete 1 finished thier row they
immediately perform KB swings.
Athlete 2 begins rowing as soon as
Athlete 1 gets off the rower, so there
will be a small overlap where both
athletes are working.
Each For Time:
Every 3 Minutes for 21 Minutes
10/7 Calorie C2 Bike on a 5+ damper
(may stand)
Walk for rest