CrossFit Montgomery – CF
3:00 Banded Glute Activation Walk
1:00 Squat Hold
2:00 of Bodyweight GFYs (Lunge, Lunge,
1:00 Bike, Build in speed every :10
Then, 30 Russian KB Swings 53/35lbs
focusing on violent hip extension
Back Squat (5-3-2-2-1-1-1)
Immediately after each set, perform
an :08-12 AAB sprint for max wattage.
As soon as your wattage starts to fall
off, stop. Athletes may perform a
rolling start.
Start at 80-85% and add weight each
Goal: all three singles are 90-100%
This is the second to last back squat
day – retest will be NEXT week, not in
week 7
AMRAP 25 Minutes
Run 400m
Rest 1:00
Shoot to hold consistent splits across
all rounds (within :05 every round). A
good goal would be to run around your
2-3 mile PR pace.