Community Events


Each month at CrossFit Montgomery, we will have a nutrition and/or physical challenge.

DECEMBER 2013 – Thrusters/Vertical Leap Challenge
Join our Facebook event for updates.

Rules for the Thruster/Vertical Jump Challenge:
1. You must complete 500 thrusters (75#/45# or scale as needed) during December.
2. Thrusters done in WODs count.
3. Tally total reps on the whiteboard DAILY and keep a personal tally of your own.
4. There is a vertical jump test at the beginning of the challenge and a retest at the end. Place your starting score and ending score on the white board next to your tally.

NOVEMBER 2013 – Attendance Challenge
Join our Facebook event for updates.

Rules for the Attendance Challenge:
1. Attend class at CrossFit Montgomery at least five days a week each week (for the four weeks) of November.
2. Write your name on the whiteboard and show your attendance.
3. Check out our Facebook page during the month of November for resources on nutrition, sleep, mobility, and recovery.

OCTOBER 2013 – Running Challenge
Join our Facebook event for updates.

Rules for the Running Challenge:
1. Choose from the following to be your goal of total completed miles by the end of the month: 10K (6.2 miles), 13.1 miles (half marathon), 26.2 miles (marathon).
2. Any distance (ex. 200 meters, 2 miles, 4.8 miles) counts toward your total.
3. You can run anywhere! It does not have to happen at the gym.
4. Runs done in warm-ups DO NOT count. Runs done in WODs DO count.
5. Tally total distance on the whiteboard DAILY and keep a personal tally of your own.

SEPTEMBER 2013 – Lunges Challenge
Join our Facebook event for updates.

Rules for the Lunges Challenge:
1. You must complete 20 lunges each leg (40 total) each day in September. That’s a total of 600 lunges each leg (1200 total) for the month (30 days).
2. You can catch up (ex. doing 60 lunges if you missed two days) but you cannot do extra lunges to get ahead.
3. You can do them anywhere (school, work, gym, church, grocery store, etc.).
4. Lunges done in warm-ups and WODs count.
5. Tally total reps on the whiteboard DAILY and keep a personal tally of your own.

Note: Make sure your knee does not extend past your foot when lunging. Keep your knee directly above your heel. Also be sure to push your lunging knee out in the direction of your pinky toe. Don’t allow your knee to cave inward.

Take the month off or pick your own challenge.

JULY 2013 – Rowing for Max Meters Challenge
Join our Facebook event for updates.

Rules for the Rowing Challenge:
1. You may row before or after a workout. Share the rowers by not rowing more than 1,000 meters at one time.
2. Rowing may be done anywhere you have access to a rowing machine.
3. Rowing done during the warm-up and workout DO NOT count towards your total.
4. Tally total meters rounded off by hundreds on the whiteboard DAILY and keep a personal tally of your own.

JUNE 2013
Take the month off or pick your own challenge.

MAY 2013 – 1000 Situp Challenge
Join our Facebook event for updates.

Rules for the 1000 Situp Challenge:
1. You must complete 1000 situps (CrossFit abmat situps) during May.
2. You can do them anywhere (school, work, gym, church, grocery store, etc.).
3. Situps done in warm-ups and WODs count.
4. Tally total reps on the whiteboard DAILY and keep a personal tally of your own.

APRIL 2013 – Pushup/No Dairy Challenge
Join our Facebook event for updates.

Rules for the No Dairy Challenge:
1. Write your name on the whiteboard.
2. DO NOT consume any dairy including butter, cheese, yogurt, milk, milk powders, casein and whey.
3. Recovery drinks taken within 30 minutes post workout will be permitted.
4. If you consume dairy at all during the month of April, cross out your name. (Do not erase your name!)

Rules for the Pushup Challenge:
1. You have one minute every day (only once a day) that you come in the gym to achieve as many pushups as possible.
2. Pushups are hand release. You must achieve full lockout at the top.
3. All reps must be performed at a CrossFit Montgomery and can happen at any time. (Others are encouraged to participate but they are not eligible to win a shirt.)
4. T-Shirts will be awarded to top male and top female. (Coaches are not eligible.)
5. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 30, 2013 will be the cutoff point.
6. Tally total reps on the whiteboard DAILY and keep a personal tally of your own. (Do NOT hold out by not recording your reps until the last moment.)
7. Be sure to do mobility daily to stay healthy.

MARCH 2013 – Double-Unders/No Liquid Sugar Challenge
For those who do not have double-unders or do not have many consecutive double-unders, use this challenge as an opportunity to get better!
Join our Facebook event for updates.

Rules for the No Liquid Sugar Challenge:
1. Write your name on the whiteboard.
2. DO NOT drink any liquid with sugar or added sugar – high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, sugarcane derivatives, artificial sweeteners, etc.
3. Recovery drinks taken within 30 minutes post workout will be permitted.
4. If you drink liquid sugar at all during the month of March, cross out your name. (Do not erase your name!)

Rules for the Max Consecutive Double-Under Challenge:
1. A double-under is considered consecutive when no single jumps are performed in between doubles.
2. All reps must be performed at a CrossFit Montgomery and can happen at any time. (Others are encouraged to participate but they are not eligible to win a shirt.)
3. T-Shirts will be awarded to top male and top female. (Coaches are not eligible.)
4. March 30, 2013 11:00 a.m. will be the cutoff point.
5. Tally max reps on the whiteboard DAILY and keep a personal tally of your own. (Do NOT hold out by not recording your reps until the last moment.)

FEBRUARY 2013 – Pullup/No Bread Challenge
Join our Facebook event for updates!

Rules for the No Breaduary Challenge:
1. Write your name on the whiteboard.
2. DO NOT eat bread!
3. If you eat bread at all during the month of February, cross out your name. (Do not erase your name!)

Rules for the Strict Pull-up Challenge:
1. Mobilize before you jump on that bar!
2. All reps must be performed at a CrossFit Montgomery and can happen at any time.
3. No kipping is allowed – All full extension to head over bar
4. Two Divisions: No assistance and band assistance. Must indicate band type used.
5. T-Shirts will be awarded to top male, top female for both divisions. (Coaches are not eligible.)
6. Feb 28, 2013 7 p.m. will be the cutoff point.
7. Tally all reps on the whiteboard DAILY and keep a personal tally of your own. (Do NOT hold out by not recording your reps until the last moment.)

The monthly challenges started with a 1000 Burpees in January Challenge. Rules were as follows:

1. Must complete 1000 burpees during January.
2. Can be done anywhere (school, work, gym, grocery store, church).
3. Burpees done in warm-ups and WODs count.
4. Keep a running total and report it somewhere/anywhere daily (Facebook, journal, shout it from a roof top).