Strength Workouts

2010-01-09 Strength WOD

– 2 Rep Max

Front Squat
– 8 x 2 Reps

– 4 x 25 Reps

Weighted Situp
– 5 x 10 Reps

CrossFit Workouts

2010-01-08 WOD

– 2,000 Meters

Back Squat
– 3 x 3 Reps
– 3 x 1 Reps

Underground Strength Workouts

2010-01-08 UGS WOD

5 Rounds
1a. 5 KB Clean and Press
1b. 10 KB Front Squats

3 Rounds
2a. 10-15 KB Rows
2b. Leg Blaster

3 Rounds
3a. 10 Knees to Elbows
3b. 10 Tire Flips

4 Rounds
200′ Tire Drag

Articles Nutrition

Paleo Recipes and Resources

We have a lot of interest in Paleo.  Several members have already begun their 100-day challenge.  Others will be starting this weekend.  There are many recipes and Web site links being shared via email and by word of mouth at The Boneyard.  We decided to create a post that can be the go-to post for recipes and resources.  Resources include book titles, articles, Web sites, blogs, etc.  We may eventually compile all of these and place them on our Nutrition page.

Some of you are finding good recipes that are gluten-free but may include a non-Paleo ingredient.  Some of the condiments, sauces, marinades, dressings, etc. in a lot of non-Paleo recipes can be substituted or left out altogether.  Feel free to post these recipes and resources anyway.  Not all of our members are doing Paleo.  Gluten-free meals are certainly better than a lot of the alternatives.

Strength Workouts

2010-01-07 Strength WOD

Push Press
– 2 Rep Max

Clean and Jerk
– 3 x 10 Reps
– 4 x 5 Reps
– 5 x 3 Reps

Barbell Good Morning
5 x 5 Reps

CrossFit Workouts

2010-01-07 WOD

Courtesy of CrossFit
– 30 Clean and Jerks for time

Strength Workouts

2010-01-06 Strength WOD

– 2 Rep Max

– 8 x 2 Reps

Barbell Lunges
5 x 5 Reps (Each Leg)

CrossFit Workouts

2010-01-06 WOD

2 x 10 Minute AMRAP
5 minutes between rounds
– 5 Box Jumps
– 10 Situps
– 15 Air Squats

Underground Strength Workouts

2010-01-06 UGS WOD

4 Rounds
1a. 10 Ring Dips
1b. 5 Weighted Pullups

4 Rounds
2a. Max Tactical Pushups
2b. 50′ Rope Pull & 50′ Tire Row

5 Rounds
3a. 5 KB Snatch & Press
3b. 20 Tread Chops

Articles Nutrition

Paleo Breakfasts

If you are participating in our 100-day Nutrition Challenge, you should begin your first week sometime before next Sunday, January 10.  During the first week of the challenge you will be striving to eat Paleo breakfasts all week.  People often ask, “If I can’t eat bread, oatmeal, or cereal for breakfast, what can I eat!?”  You may eat any number of the millions of combinations of meat, veggies, fruit, and tree nuts.  Check out the links below and search for more breakfast ideas and recipes using the key terms “Paleo + breakfast recipes.”  If you find a recipe and like the result, please share it with us.

eHow’s Paleo Diet Breakfast

5 Simple & Tasty Breakfast Recipes

29 Paleo Breakfast Recipes by LaLanne Fitness

Who says you have to eat breakfast at breakfast?  David and Jennie ate this for dinner tonight and it was de-li-cious!

Breakfast for Dinner

If you do not have time to prepare a meal in the morning, you can grab food and go.  Example:  boiled eggs, a banana, and some almond butter.  Or try preparing an egg casserole the night before.  David and Jennie are reheating and eating the egg casserole (pictured below) containing chicken sausage with sheep casings, broccoli, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, and garlic….[1 hour in the oven at 350 degrees] that Jennie cooked tonight for breakfast in the morning.  Yum, yum!

Quick Breakfast