CrossFitter: “The WOD at my box today is “Cindy”. That’s a BW 20-minute AMRAP of PU, pushups, and SQ. I hope to go Rx’d. If I subb PU, maybe I will at least PR!”
Non-CrossFitter: “Dude, I have no idea what you just said.”
Here are some (not all) of our acronyms and abbreviations (and slang terms):
- AMRAP: As Many Reps (or Rounds) As Possible
- AMPAP: As Many Pounds As Possible
- ATG: Ass to Grass
- BP: Bench Press
- Box: CrossFit gym
- BS: Back Squat
- BW (or BWT): Body Weight
- C2: Concept II Rowing Machine
- C2B: Chest-to-Bar
- C&J: Clean and Jerk
- CFT: CrossFit Total
- CFWU: CrossFit Warm-Up
- CLN: Clean
- COB: Chin Over Bar
- DL: Deadlift
- FS: Front Squat
- GHR(D): Glute Ham Raise (Developer)
- GHR(D) Situp: Situp done on the GHD
- GPP: General Physical Preparedness, A.K.A. “Fitness”
- HSPU: Handstand Pushup
- IF: Intermittent Fasting
- JPU: Jumping Pullup
- KB: Kettlebell
- KTE: Knees-To-Elbows
- MetCon: Metabolic Conditioning Workout
- MP: Military Press
- MU: Muscle-Up
- OHS: Overhead Squat
- PC: Power Clean
- Pd: Pood, weight measure for kettlebells
- PR: Personal Record
- PP: Push Press
- PSN: Power Snatch
- PU: Pull-Ups, possibly pushups depending on the context
- Rep: Repetition
- Rx’d; as Rx’d: As prescribed; as written. WOD done without any adjustments.
- RM: Repetition maximum. Your 1RM is your max lift for one rep. Your 10 RM is the most you can lift 10 times.
- SB: Sandbag
- SDHP: Sumo Deadlift High Pull
- Set: A number of repetitions. e.g., 3 sets of 10 reps, often seen as 3×10, means do 10 reps, rest, repeat, rest, repeat
- SPP: Specific Physical Preparedness, A.K.A. Skill Training
- SN: Snatch
- SQ: Squat
- SS: Starting Strength
- Subbed: Substituted
- TGU: Turkish Getup
- T2B: Toes-to-Bar
- WOD: Workout of the Day
- YBF: You’ll Be Fine (liberally applied in spray form)