CrossFit Montgomery – CF
Bring long socks or wear pants for the rope climbs!
3:00 Bike/Row/Run
2 Rounds:
3 Scap Retraction + 3 Strict Pull-Ups
6 Walk outs
9 PVC Overhead Squats
12 Sit-Ups
20 second Samson Stretch each side
2:00 Couch Stretch
2:00 Banded Hamstring Stretch
Rope Climbs
A: Metcon (Weight)
EMOM x 16
All weights @70% of Front Squat
Minutes 1-7
1 Pausing Back Squats
(3 seconds in bottom position)
Minutes 7-10 Rest
Minute 10-6 Front Squats
Minute 12-6 Front Squats
Minute 14-6 Front Squats
Minute 16-6 Front Squats
*Score heavy set of 6 Front Squats