CrossFit Montgomery – CF
*Spend ~2:00 on each stretch
Foam Roll – Thoracic
Banded Shoulder Distraction
Foam Roll – Quad and Adductors
Couch Stretch
Ankle Flexibility
500m Row
2 Rounds
4 Plank Lunges
8 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
12 Squats
:30 Samson Stretch (ea side)
500m Row
4 Dive bomber Push-ups
8 Overhead Squats
12 Abmat Sit-ups
2 Rounds
Burgener’s Warm-up
(2nd Round w/empty barbell)
*Spend ~2:00 on each stretch
Pec Minor/Bicep with Lacrosse Ball
Child’s Pose
Straddle Stretch
Pigeon Pose