CrossFit Montgomery – CF
Pizza delivery warm-up | 5:00
Athletes will have 3 sets of :45 to hold AbMats over their heads while other athletes try to knock them down.
If an athlete’s AbMat is knocked down, then that athlete must perform 6 reps of the penalty of their choice before jumping back into the game.
3 rounds:
:45 pizza delivery game
Penalty options:
Air squats
Good morning + jumps
Rowing efficiency | 10:00
Set 1: Focus on sitting up tall on the rower. Athletes should identify their split time as well as their strokes per minute on their monitor for this drill.
10 pulls on the rower (easy pace)
Set 2: At 15-20 strokes per minute pace, notice your split time. This should be a lower number.
10 pulls on the rower (15-20 strokes per minute pace)
Set 3: At 20-25 strokes per minute pace, notice your split time. With the same effort as the previous set but a faster stroke rate, your pace should be faster and your number higher.
10 pulls on the rower (20-25 strokes per minute pace)
Set 4: At 25-30 strokes per minute pace, notice your split time. With the same effort as the previous set but a faster stroke rate, your pace should be even faster and the number bigger than the previous set.
10 pulls on the rower (25-30 strokes per minute pace)
Set 5: Athlete chooses pace.
15 pulls on the rower
Metcon (5 Rounds for distance)
5 rounds for distance:
:20 row
– Rest :40.
:30 row
– Rest :30.
:40 row
– Rest :20.
:50 row
– Rest :10.
1:00 row
– Rest 1:00.
Same as Rx’d
5 rounds at an easy pace:
:20 row
– Rest :40.
:30 row
– Rest :30.
:40 row
– Rest :20.
:50 row
– Rest :10.
1:00 row
– Rest 1:00.
1:00 foam roll quads
1:00 foam roll upper back
1:00 foam roll lats