CrossFit Montgomery – CF
5 Rounds
5 Strict Burpees (burpee with a push up, not a “flop”}
10 Good Mornings
:10 Machine*
*increase speed to full sprint by round 5
Every 5 minutes for 25 minutes (5 sets)
5 Deadlifts @ 75%+
15 DB Bench Presses (20s-70s)
:10 Machine Sprint for Max Wattage
Two Scores: heaviest set of Deadlifts and Max Wattage on your machine.
Choose AAB or Rower, but use the same one for all 5 rounds.
Deadlift (Heaviest 5)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AAB or Rower
Record Wattage as Reps