CrossFit Montgomery – CF
Warm Up
Run 800m
2 Steady Rounds:
12 Lunge + Twist Steps
20 Wall Balls
:30 Dead Hang
Lifting Test
1×3 Power Position Squat Clean
1×3 Hang Squat Clean (at knees)
1×3 Tempo Pull Squat Clean
Find a 1RM Squat Clean
1-3 Sets of 3 @ 70% of the 1RM you just found (Drop and reset between reps)
Squat Clean (1 RM)
Pick 1-3 based on weakness. Athletes may choose other mobilizations based on personal needs.
-Couch Stretch, 3:00/side
-Pigeon Pose, 3:00/side
-Squat Hold, 3:00
-Banded Ankle Distraction, 3:00/side
-Banded Front Rack Mobilization, 3:00/side
-T-Spine Mash (roller or double LAX ball, 3:00