In honor of Veteran’s Day (last Wednesday) and Thanksgiving (next Thursday), we will dedicate a workout every day this week in memory of a fallen hero. This is our small way of honoring their memory and sacrifice. We give thanks.
Category: Workouts
7 X 1 Deadlifts
100 Deadlifts for time (135/95)
Saturdays are open gym from 9 a.m. – noon. You may do the posted WOD or choose a WOD that you missed this week.
3 Rounds for time:
1a. Run 400m or Row 500m
1b. 21-15-9
– KB Swings
– Pullups
– Box Jumps
2009-11-13 UGS WOD
Week 2
Upper Body (UB)
5 Rounds:
1a. 5-10 Alternating Presses
1b. 5 Weighted Pullups
4 Rounds:
2a. 15 Weighted Pushups or Ring Dips
2b. 10 Bentover Double Kettlebell Row
3 Rounds:
3a. 5 Hang Cleans
3b. Tire Harness Standing Press
5 Rounds:
4a. 200ft Farmer’s Walk
4b. 20 Sledge Strikes
15 to 5 / 5 to 15 (for time)
Situps / Push Press (75/45)
Deck of Cards
Clubs = Air Squats
Diamonds = Mountain Climbers
Hearts = Pushups
Spades = Situps
Jokers = 10 F*&#! Burpees
2009-11-11 UGS WOD
Week 2
Lower Body (LB)
5 Rounds:
1a. 10 Double Kettlebell Front Squat
1b. Suicide Runs
5 Rounds:
2a. 10 Lunge Jumps
2b. 6 Double Kettlebell Cleans
3 Rounds:
3a. 200′ Tire Drag
3b. 10 Weighted Back Extension
4 Rounds:
– 200′ Tire Drag
1 Round:
-50 GHDs or 50 Weighted Situps
3 X 10 Front Squats
10 minutes
Courtesy of
5 Rounds for time:
– 400m Run
– 15 Overhead Squats (95#/65#)
2009-11-09 UGS WOD
Week 2
Full Body (FB)
5 Rounds:
1a. 5 KB Clean and Press
1b. 10-15 KB Rows
3 Rounds:
2a. Max Reps Ring Pushups
2b. Max Reps Ring Rows
4 Rounds:
200′ Tire Drag
3 Rounds:
10 Knees to Elbows