Underground Strength Workouts

2010-06-21 UGS

Four Rounds
1a. 5 Zercher Squats

Four Rounds
2a.  5 Tire Flips
2b.  Jumping Lunges

Four Rounds
3a. 200′ Tire Drag
3b. 25 Weighted Situps

Strength Workouts

2010-06-21 Strength

Lower Body Max Effort
1. 3RM Sumo Deadlift
2. 3 x 5 Good Morning
3. 2 x 30 KB Swing
4. 5 x 10 Knee Raises


2010-06-19 Open Gym

Saturdays are open gym from 9:00 a.m. until noon. You can come in to work on specific movements, particularly ones in which you need practice and further instruction. We will have a WOD that you can do or you can choose to do a WOD that you missed this week.

Underground Strength Workouts

2010-06-18 UGS

4 Rounds
1a. 1-3 Rope Climbs
1b. Suicide Run

4 Rounds
2a. 15 Ring Pushups
2b. Max Ring Rows

4 Rounds
3a. 10 KB Goblet Lunges
3b. 10 KB Snatch & Press

Strength Workouts

2010-06-18 Strength

Lower Body Dynamic Effort
1. 10 x 2 Box Squat
2. 3 x 5 Split Squat
3. 5 x 10 Hip Extension

Strength Workouts

2010-06-17 Strength

Upper Body Dynamic Effort
1. 8 x 3 Pullup
2. 5 x 3 KB Press
3. 3 x 20 Shrug
4. 5 x 10 Toes to Bar

CrossFit Workouts

2010-06-17 CrossFit

– Rope Climbs (5/4/3/2/1)
– KB Swings (50/40/30/20/10)
– Pushups (50/40/30/20/10)
– Double Unders (50/40/30/20/10)

CrossFit Workouts

2010-06-16 WOD

10 Rounds
For time:
– 3 Cleans
– 1 Barbell Burpee

Underground Strength Workouts

2010-06-16 UGS

5 Rounds
1a. 3-5 Handstand Pushups
1b. Max Pullups

4 Rounds
2a. 10 KB Row
2b. Max Ring Dips

3 Rounds
3a. 150′ Farmers Walk
3b. 20 Sledge Strikes

Strength Workouts

2010-06-15 Strength

Upper Body Max Effort
1. 3RM Floor Press
2. 3 x 5 Pullup
3. 4 x 15 Shrug