Community Events Workouts

2013-05-25 & 27

Daily Motivation (Weekend Edition): “If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always ‘no.’ If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.” – Nora Roberts

9:00 ~ 10:00 a.m. – Open Gym
Current Members can come in to work on specific movements, particularly ones in which you need practice and further instruction. We will either have a WOD that you can do or you can do a WOD that you missed this week.

10:00 ~ 11:00 a.m. – Group WOD
Those who want to try out CrossFit for the first time get to WOD for free! Members should bring their friends to try us out. Visiting CrossFitters can pay our $12 ($10 for military) drop-in fee to WOD.

4:00 p.m. ONLY

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance and reconciliation. Many observe this day by visiting cemeteries and memorials and spending time with family and friends. Join us at The Boneyard on Monday, May 27 at 4 p.m. to spend time with us and a hero – Lt. Michael “Murph” Murphy – to honor our fallen military members. Learn more about Memorial Day Murph and register if you wish at

Note: We will have an altered schedule on Monday, May 27. All regularly scheduled classes are cancelled Monday. The 4 p.m. class is the only class you can attend.

We hope you have a safe and fun Memorial Day Weekend!

Community Events Workouts


CrossFit Montgomery is hosting the third annual Pound For Pound (A.K.A. #4#), a one-day fitness competition, to be held at the Cramton Bowl Multiplex in downtown Montgomery on Saturday, May 11, 2013. Pound For Pound 2013 is powered by Wright Equipment. Pound For Pound 2013 is a fundraiser for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF). Fifty percent of proceeds from registration will go toward SOWF. Pound For Pound 2013 is free and open to spectators; however, monetary donations for SOWF are encouraged at the event. There are three ways you can donate to SOWF for the Pound For Pound event. Visit our Donations page to learn more.

Scoring and weights used in the workouts for advanced and intermediate athletes will be scaled based on the body weight of the athlete. We ask: Are you the fittest pound for pound?

We need volunteers before, during and after the event and judges the day of. If you can assist us, please complete our Volunteer Sign-Up Form. To receive updates on Pound For Pound 2013, “like” Pound For Pound on Facebook and visit our #4# website to see our most recent posts.

Community Events


April 20 – Save the date for our 3rd Annual Spring Fling!

WHAT: Outdoor Games & Cookout
WHEN: Saturday, April 20 (Games Starting @1 and Cookout Starting @6)
WHERE: 9378 Katechis Lane, Montgomery, AL 36108 (past Airport)
WHY: We are spending time together as a family and saying farewell to our military family members that are moving soon.
BRING: Your own drinks (cooler), a lawn chair, a side dish, and fishing pole if you want to fish. Lawn games are needed!

RSVP AND FOOD ITEM LIST (located at The Boneyard – main entrance 37)
Place your name and what you plan to bring to the cookout on the sign up sheet at the gym. If bringing significant others to Cookout, place the number of people that will be accompanying you. Please make enough food to feed 20-25 people. Let’s try to keep the number of similar dishes down to 4. Desserts are considered a side dish. Paleo foods are preferred! Non-Paleo foods will happily be eaten. Those not bringing a dish can donate $5 per adult (kids eat free) to Jennie or David for meat and consumables.

Check out the photos from our 1st Annual and 2nd Annual Spring Flings.



Don “Buda” Kang recently became a CrossFit Level 1 (CF-L1) Trainer and has been assisting with Basics classes. He has been doing CrossFit for three years and became a member of CFM in July 2012 with his wife Cristina. Coach Don is an Air Force Pilot attending Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base and will return to his hometown of San Antonio at the end of May. He and Cristina have three children: Colin (10), Kira (8), Chloe (5).

John Siary is a CrossFit Level 1 (CF-L1) Trainer and is Barbell certified under Coach Mark Rippetoe. He has been doing CrossFit for five years and obtained his L1 in August 2008. Coach John, originally from Albany, New York, is a United States Marine Corps Surface to Air Weapons Officer and Air War College Instructor of Leadership & Warfighting. John, his wife Caroline and sons John (11) and Evan (9) will be stationed at Maxwell Air Force Base until summer 2015. John has been a member of CFM since July 2012, attending the 5:00 a.m. class. He will be coaching morning classes starting in April.

Please join us in welcoming John Siary and Don “Buda” Kang to the CrossFit Montgomery family as coaches!

Community CrossFit Events Workouts


Daily Motivation (Weekend Edition): “A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” -Robert A. Heinlein (One of Coach Greg Harback’s favorite quotes.)

The gym is closed Saturday, March 9. Good luck to those competing in the Gump Games in Montgomery and the Spartan Sprint in Georgia, and our coaches attending the Fifth Annual JagPower Strength & Conditioning Coaches’ Clinic at the University of South Alabama.

Community CrossFit Events Workouts


Daily Motivation: Swing for the fence. IF you fail…fail aggressively. Then step back up to the plate.” (One of Coach Mike’s favorite quotes.)

CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.1 has been announced! Good luck to all of our athletes!!!

CrossFit WOD
Three Rounds:
– 1:00 Row
– 1:00 Lunges
– 1:00 Pullups
– 1:00 Pushups

Community Events


Each month at CrossFit Montgomery, we will have a nutrition and/or physical challenge.

DECEMBER 2013 – Thrusters/Vertical Leap Challenge
Join our Facebook event for updates.

Rules for the Thruster/Vertical Jump Challenge:
1. You must complete 500 thrusters (75#/45# or scale as needed) during December.
2. Thrusters done in WODs count.
3. Tally total reps on the whiteboard DAILY and keep a personal tally of your own.
4. There is a vertical jump test at the beginning of the challenge and a retest at the end. Place your starting score and ending score on the white board next to your tally.

NOVEMBER 2013 – Attendance Challenge
Join our Facebook event for updates.

Rules for the Attendance Challenge:
1. Attend class at CrossFit Montgomery at least five days a week each week (for the four weeks) of November.
2. Write your name on the whiteboard and show your attendance.
3. Check out our Facebook page during the month of November for resources on nutrition, sleep, mobility, and recovery.

OCTOBER 2013 – Running Challenge
Join our Facebook event for updates.

Rules for the Running Challenge:
1. Choose from the following to be your goal of total completed miles by the end of the month: 10K (6.2 miles), 13.1 miles (half marathon), 26.2 miles (marathon).
2. Any distance (ex. 200 meters, 2 miles, 4.8 miles) counts toward your total.
3. You can run anywhere! It does not have to happen at the gym.
4. Runs done in warm-ups DO NOT count. Runs done in WODs DO count.
5. Tally total distance on the whiteboard DAILY and keep a personal tally of your own.

SEPTEMBER 2013 – Lunges Challenge
Join our Facebook event for updates.

Rules for the Lunges Challenge:
1. You must complete 20 lunges each leg (40 total) each day in September. That’s a total of 600 lunges each leg (1200 total) for the month (30 days).
2. You can catch up (ex. doing 60 lunges if you missed two days) but you cannot do extra lunges to get ahead.
3. You can do them anywhere (school, work, gym, church, grocery store, etc.).
4. Lunges done in warm-ups and WODs count.
5. Tally total reps on the whiteboard DAILY and keep a personal tally of your own.

Note: Make sure your knee does not extend past your foot when lunging. Keep your knee directly above your heel. Also be sure to push your lunging knee out in the direction of your pinky toe. Don’t allow your knee to cave inward.

Take the month off or pick your own challenge.

JULY 2013 – Rowing for Max Meters Challenge
Join our Facebook event for updates.

Rules for the Rowing Challenge:
1. You may row before or after a workout. Share the rowers by not rowing more than 1,000 meters at one time.
2. Rowing may be done anywhere you have access to a rowing machine.
3. Rowing done during the warm-up and workout DO NOT count towards your total.
4. Tally total meters rounded off by hundreds on the whiteboard DAILY and keep a personal tally of your own.

JUNE 2013
Take the month off or pick your own challenge.

MAY 2013 – 1000 Situp Challenge
Join our Facebook event for updates.

Rules for the 1000 Situp Challenge:
1. You must complete 1000 situps (CrossFit abmat situps) during May.
2. You can do them anywhere (school, work, gym, church, grocery store, etc.).
3. Situps done in warm-ups and WODs count.
4. Tally total reps on the whiteboard DAILY and keep a personal tally of your own.

APRIL 2013 – Pushup/No Dairy Challenge
Join our Facebook event for updates.

Rules for the No Dairy Challenge:
1. Write your name on the whiteboard.
2. DO NOT consume any dairy including butter, cheese, yogurt, milk, milk powders, casein and whey.
3. Recovery drinks taken within 30 minutes post workout will be permitted.
4. If you consume dairy at all during the month of April, cross out your name. (Do not erase your name!)

Rules for the Pushup Challenge:
1. You have one minute every day (only once a day) that you come in the gym to achieve as many pushups as possible.
2. Pushups are hand release. You must achieve full lockout at the top.
3. All reps must be performed at a CrossFit Montgomery and can happen at any time. (Others are encouraged to participate but they are not eligible to win a shirt.)
4. T-Shirts will be awarded to top male and top female. (Coaches are not eligible.)
5. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 30, 2013 will be the cutoff point.
6. Tally total reps on the whiteboard DAILY and keep a personal tally of your own. (Do NOT hold out by not recording your reps until the last moment.)
7. Be sure to do mobility daily to stay healthy.

MARCH 2013 – Double-Unders/No Liquid Sugar Challenge
For those who do not have double-unders or do not have many consecutive double-unders, use this challenge as an opportunity to get better!
Join our Facebook event for updates.

Rules for the No Liquid Sugar Challenge:
1. Write your name on the whiteboard.
2. DO NOT drink any liquid with sugar or added sugar – high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, sugarcane derivatives, artificial sweeteners, etc.
3. Recovery drinks taken within 30 minutes post workout will be permitted.
4. If you drink liquid sugar at all during the month of March, cross out your name. (Do not erase your name!)

Rules for the Max Consecutive Double-Under Challenge:
1. A double-under is considered consecutive when no single jumps are performed in between doubles.
2. All reps must be performed at a CrossFit Montgomery and can happen at any time. (Others are encouraged to participate but they are not eligible to win a shirt.)
3. T-Shirts will be awarded to top male and top female. (Coaches are not eligible.)
4. March 30, 2013 11:00 a.m. will be the cutoff point.
5. Tally max reps on the whiteboard DAILY and keep a personal tally of your own. (Do NOT hold out by not recording your reps until the last moment.)

FEBRUARY 2013 – Pullup/No Bread Challenge
Join our Facebook event for updates!

Rules for the No Breaduary Challenge:
1. Write your name on the whiteboard.
2. DO NOT eat bread!
3. If you eat bread at all during the month of February, cross out your name. (Do not erase your name!)

Rules for the Strict Pull-up Challenge:
1. Mobilize before you jump on that bar!
2. All reps must be performed at a CrossFit Montgomery and can happen at any time.
3. No kipping is allowed – All full extension to head over bar
4. Two Divisions: No assistance and band assistance. Must indicate band type used.
5. T-Shirts will be awarded to top male, top female for both divisions. (Coaches are not eligible.)
6. Feb 28, 2013 7 p.m. will be the cutoff point.
7. Tally all reps on the whiteboard DAILY and keep a personal tally of your own. (Do NOT hold out by not recording your reps until the last moment.)

The monthly challenges started with a 1000 Burpees in January Challenge. Rules were as follows:

1. Must complete 1000 burpees during January.
2. Can be done anywhere (school, work, gym, grocery store, church).
3. Burpees done in warm-ups and WODs count.
4. Keep a running total and report it somewhere/anywhere daily (Facebook, journal, shout it from a roof top).

Community Events


There are numerous upcoming races and Crossfit competitions. Visit Garage Games, CrossFit Competitions, and River Region Runners for a list. Let Coaches David and Jennie know which ones you are interested in attending. Feel free to notify us of events on our Facebook page. Events that we attend as a gym are the events we post to our Events page and list in our email announcements.

Join us for a 5K mud race with obstacles on Saturday, March 2 in Childersburg, AL. When you register, select ‘CrossFit Montgomery’ as your team, the 10 a.m. heat, and use code: CFGUMP10 to receive a $10 discount. Registration price increases Feb. 1. The $10 off code is good for unlimited uses and will run through Feb. 22, which is the last day of online registration.

Registration for the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games Open is live (as of January 30)! Register at We encourage anyone, especially our members to register. If you are a member and train a majority of the time at our gym, we will add you to our team — ’YARD DOGS.

CrossFit Montgomery is a validating affiliate and will host the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games Open WOD each week at The Boneyard. Cost for non-members: $10. If you are registered and would like us to validate your WOD, read the REGISTERED ATHLETES section on our CrossFit Game page and contact us at 1-877-907-4141 or [email protected] for more information.

Join us on Saturday, March 9 for the Gump Games, a one-day CrossFit competition/fundraiser for the Arts Council of Montgomery, held in downtown Montgomery and hosted by River Region CrossFit. The WODs for the 2013 Gump Games have already been announced. If you don’t compete, please consider volunteering or judging. Contact [email protected] for more info!

The 187th Fighter Wing (Alabama Air National Guard) has invited our members to join their team for the Georgia Spartan Sprint on Saturday, March 9. When you register, select ‘187FW RED TAILS’ as your team and the earliest heat available, and use code: spear10 to receive a $10 discount.

SAVE THE DATE: On Saturday, March 16, the Junior League of Montgomery is hosting the Shamrock Shuffle 10K and 2K.

On Saturday, April 21, we will be participating in the Walk of Life for Breast Cancer. This is a 5K run/walk through downtown Montgomery. All the monies raised will benefit the Joy to Life Foundation which provides free life-saving mammograms to women who are medically under-served in 29 Alabama counties. Visit our fundraising page to donate or join our team.

SAVE THE DATE: Pound For Pound 2013 will be held at the Multiplex at Cramton Bowl on Saturday, May 11! Receive updates by visiting Pound For Pound and liking our #4# Facebook page.

Community Events Workouts


Registration for the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games Open is live! Register at We encourage anyone, especially our members to register. If you are a member and train a majority of the time at our gym, we will add you to our team — ‘YARD DOGS.

CrossFit Montgomery is a validating affiliate and will host the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games Open WOD each week at The Boneyard. Cost for non-members: $10. If you are registered and would like us to validate your WOD, read the REGISTERED ATHLETES section below and contact us at 1-877-907-4141 or [email protected] for more information.


  • The Open is the first step in the 2013 CrossFit Games season and takes place March 6 to April 7. Every Wednesday, an Open workout will be posted. Everyone then has until that Sunday to complete the workout. Athletes have the choice of competing at a participating CrossFit affiliate, or submitting a videotape of their performance to the Games website. The Open will consist of five workouts over five weeks.
  • At the end of the five weeks, the Open’s top athletes in each region will move on to the the second stage of the competition — Regionals. Each of the 17 Regionals will be a three-day competition where individuals compete head to head with judges. At the end of the weekend, no more than three men and three women will advance to the final stage of the competition — the CrossFit Games. Our Regionals, the South East Regionals, are usually in April or May.
  • The Reebok CrossFit Games are the ultimate test of fitness. The Games are a grueling multi-day, multi-event competition to determine the Fittest on Earth. Fitness means being ready for the unknown and unknowable, so the workouts change every year and are not announced until just before the events start. For the fourth consecutive year, the CrossFit Games will be held at the Home Depot Center in Carson, California. This year the dates are July 26-28.

For more information about the Games and to stay informed, visit Reebok CrossFit Games.

The Open WODS are posted on Wednesday of each week. We will host the Open WOD on Saturday each week (with the exception of the first week) for members and visitors, unless otherwise noted.

  • Week 1 – Thursday, March 7 at 12:15 and 7:00 p.m.
  • Week 2 – Saturday, March 16
  • Week 3 – Saturday, March 23
  • Week 4 – Saturday, March 30
  • Week 5 – Saturday, April 6

Workout Format – Athletes will go in the order they arrive (first come first served). Athletes are responsible for warming up on their own before class. We will review the WOD and the movement standards with all athletes. Only certified judges will be allowed to judge athletes; therefore, the number of athletes that can perform the workout at a time will depend on how many judges we have available. If you are interested in judging, let us know. The first group of athletes will start 10 minutes after the WOD and movement standards explanation. In addition to the explanations that all athletes will receive, each judge will review the standards with the athletes they are judging and and ask the athlete to perform at least one rep of each movement to assess the athlete’s ROM and understanding of the standards. We have scorecards for each athlete that we will keep for our records and provide each athlete their results on a sticky note.

Accommodations – We will try our best to accommodate those who cannot attend the posted times for a particular week. Contact us to schedule an appointment. In the event that you have a time constraint, please notify us ahead of time so we can attempt to accommodate you. But please do not abuse this courtesy.

Result Submission – Athletes are responsible for submitting their results online at by the deadline on Sunday each week. However we recommend you submit your result as soon as possible. After an athlete submits their result, Coach Jennie (affiliate manager) will receive notification and will then approve or deny the result. If you have any questions or concerns about the validation process, call or text Coach Jennie on her cell phone. She will also make sure she has each athlete’s cell phone number just in case she needs to contact an athlete about their result.


Community Workouts


9:00 ~ 10:00 a.m.
Open Gym
Current Members can come in to work on specific movements, particularly ones in which you need practice and further instruction. We will either have a WOD that you can do or you can do a WOD that you missed this week.

10:00 ~ 11:00 a.m.
Team/Partner WOD
First-timers get to WOD for free! Members should bring their friends to try us out.