Endurance Mobility Underground Strength Workouts

2011-12-20 WOD

Daily WOD
Three Rounds
1a. 10 Strict Toes to Bar
1b. 150′ OH KB Walk

Three Rounds
2a. 10 Hip Extensions
2b. 10 V Outs (View videos below)

Three Rounds
3a. Plank Progression
3b. 10 Bridge Ups
* Planks: Ten seconds each position. From the elbow or from the top of the pushup, not both. Video below.

Endurance WOD
Four to Eight Rounds:
– 400m Run
– 90 Seconds Recovery
*Hold 3-5 seconds.

V Outs

Details at GymnasticsWOD

– Start in a support position on the rings with hands turned out and elbows locked
– Push the rings away from you as you descend into a hollow body position
– Maintain shoulders active and arms in v formation
– Pause at the bottom and reverse the movement back to support

Plank Progressions

CrossFit Workouts

2011-10-28 WOD

Daily WOD
OTM for 12 Minutes:
– 2 Back Squats (60%)

AMRAP – 8 Minutes:
– 5 Toes to Bar
– 10 Box Jumps

Mobility WOD

Underground Strength Workouts

2011-09-15 WOD

Four Rounds
1a. 5 Hang Power Cleans
1b. Max Handstand Pushups

Three Rounds

2a. 5 Double KB Rows
2b. Max Ring Pushups

Three Rounds
3a. 10 Goblet Squats
3b. 10 Toes to Bar

Underground Strength Workouts

2011-09-08 WOD

Four Rounds
1a. 5 Hang Power Cleans
1b. Max Handstand Pushups

Three Rounds
2a. 5 Double KB Rows
2b. Max Ring Pushups

Three Rounds
3a. 10 Goblet Squats
3b. 10 Toes to Bar
CrossFit Workouts

2011-08-30 WOD

10 to 1:
– Ring Dip (strict)
– Toes to Bar (strict)
– Bridge Up

CrossFit Workouts

2011-08-04 WOD

Five Rounds
– 5 Skin the Cat

Four Rounds
– 150′ Overhead Lockout Walk
– Max Lateral Pushups

Three Rounds
– Leg Blaster
– 20 GHD Situps
– 10 Toes to Bar (strict)

Underground Strength Workouts

2011-07-07 WOD

Video: Cody & Steve (Team Co-Shir) Katechis, and Coach David
took on “Korengal Valley” at Rumble By The River ’11.
“Korengal Valley” – 7 Rounds (8 Rounds For Teams):
Hill Sprint, 10 KB Swings, 10 Lateral Burpees, 200m Run

Four Rounds
1a. 5 Hang Power Cleans
1b. Max Ring Pushups

Three Rounds
2a. 5 Double KB Rows
2b. Max Alternating Presses

Three Rounds
3a. 10 Goblet Squats
3b. 10 Toes to Bar

Mobility WOD

Underground Strength Workouts

2011-06-28 WOD

Video: Bean, Katechis, and David meet “Pedro” – Ground-to-Overhead Ladder
at Rumble By The River ’11. Way to go, guys! You are “ultimate machines!”

Four Rounds
1a. 5 Hang Power Cleans
1b. Max Ring Pushups

Three Rounds
2a. 5 Double KB Rows
2b. Max Alternating Presses

Three Rounds
3a. 10 Goblet Squats
3b. 10 Toes to Bar

Underground Strength Workouts

2011-06-16 WOD

Four Rounds
1a. 5 Tire Flips
1b. 5 Double KB Rows

Three Rounds
2a. 5 Double KB Presses
2b. Max Lateral Walking Pushups

Two Rounds
3a. 15 Double Kettlebell Cleans
3b. 15 Toes to Bar

*Heavy kettlebells on these lifts. Brace your back and keep it flat, no bending. Rest as needed. Slow and controlled on Toes to Bar, on the way up and the way down.

CrossFit Workouts

2011-06-08 WOD

For time:
-Row 20 calories
-30 Burpees
-40 Clean and Jerk (95/65)
-50 Toes to bar
-100′ Overhead walking lunge (45/25lb plate)
-150′ Sprint