CrossFit Workouts


CrossFit WOD
1RM – 10:00
– Weighted Dip


1RM – 10:00
– Weighted Pullup


Sorensen Test

21-18-15-12-9 Reps For time:
– KB Swings (24kg/16kg)
– Pushups

CrossFit Workouts


Daily Motivation: “When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot become manifest, strength cannot be exerted, wealth is useless, and reason is powerless.” -Herophiles

CrossFit WOD
Strict Press
– 12:00 to find 1RM

Push Press
– 12:00 to find 1RM

Ring Dip
– 12:00 to find 3RM ring dips @ 30X1

Underground Strength Workouts

2010-07-30 UGS

Five Rounds
1a. 5 Sumo Deadlifts

Four Rounds
2a. 15 Goblet Squats
2b. Max Ring Dips

Four Rounds
3a. 10 Glute Ham Raises
3b. Max Pullups

4. 50 Knees to Elbows

Underground Strength Workouts

2010-07-16 UGS

Five Rounds
1a. 5 Sumo Deadlifts

Four Rounds
2a. 15 Goblet Squats
2b. Max Ring Dips

Four Rounds
3a. 10 Glute Ham Raises
3b. Max Pullups

4. 50 Knees to Elbows

Underground Strength Workouts

2010-07-09 UGS

Five Rounds
1a. 10 Jumping Lunges
1b. 6 Hang Cleans

Five Rounds
2a. 10 Weighted Pushups or Ring Dips
2b. 10 Bentover Double KB Rows

Three Rounds
3a. 200′ Tire Drag
3b. 10 Weighted Hip Extensions

50 Weighted Situps

Strength Workouts

2010-06-29 Strength

Upper Body Max Effort
1. 3RM Pullup
2. 3 x 5 Ring Dip
3. 4 x 15 Shrug

Underground Strength Workouts

2010-06-28 UGS

5 Rounds
1a. 10 Jumping Lunges
1b. 6 Hang Cleans

5 Rounds
2a. 10 Weighted Pushups or Ring Dips
2b. 10 Bentover Double KB Row

3 Rounds
3a. 200′ Tire Drag
3b. 10 Weighted Hip Extensions

50 Weighted Situps

Underground Strength Workouts

2010-06-23 UGS

5 Rounds
1a. 3-5 Handstand Pushups
1b. Max Pullups

4 Rounds
2a. 10 KB Row
2b. Max Ring Dips

3 Rounds
3a. 150′ Farmers Walk
3b. 20 Sledge Strikes

Underground Strength Workouts

2010-06-16 UGS

5 Rounds
1a. 3-5 Handstand Pushups
1b. Max Pullups

4 Rounds
2a. 10 KB Row
2b. Max Ring Dips

3 Rounds
3a. 150′ Farmers Walk
3b. 20 Sledge Strikes

Strength Workouts

2010-06-10 Strength

Upper Body Dynamic Effort
1. 8 x 3 Standing Press
2. 3 x 5 Ring Dip
3. 3 x 20 KB Row
4. 5 x 10 GHD Situp