For Time:
– 30 Clean and Jerks
Category: Workouts
Five Rounds, 1 Minute Each Station:
– KB Swing
– Mountain Climber
– Jumping Squat
– Rest
2010-10-27 UGS
Five Rounds
1a. 6-10 KB Alternating Press
1b. 6-10 Weighted Pullups
Four Rounds
2a. 50′ Alligator Pushups
2b. 50′ Bear Crawl
Three Rounds
3a. 50′ Rope Pull
3b. 50′ Tire Press
3c. 50 Tread Chops
For Time:
– 100′ Lunge
– 60 Situp
– 45 Pushup
– 30 Pullup
– 100′ Lunge
– 40 Situp
– 30 Pushup
– 20 Pullup
– 100′ Lunge
– 20 Situp
– 15 Pushup
– 10 Pullup
– 100′ Lunge
2010-10-25 UGS
Five Rounds
1a. 10 Sandbag Squats
1b. Suicide Run
Four Rounds
2a. 10 KB Lunges
2b. 20 Box Jumps
Three Rounds
3a. 25 Hip Extensions
3b. 15 Knees to Elbows
2010-10-24 Rest Day
Reminder: Register for “Amazing Grace” at www.barbellsforboobs.com and read all the little details on our Amazing Grace page.
Sundays are rest days at CrossFit Montgomery. 23:1 … The ratio 23:1 represents 23 hours of free time (time spent not working out at The Boneyard) to your one hour workout (including warm-up, WOD, and stretching). That’s 23 hours that includes hydrating, eating (nutrition), sleeping (recovery), working, playing, etc.
Recovery is just as important as training. Your body needs time to replenish energy stores and repair damaged tissues. Recovery includes, but is not limited to: rest, sleep, hydration, good nutrition, stretching, self-massaging (using a foam roller), massage by a professional, and chiropractic care.
Our Announcements page is updated on Sunday. We also provide updates via email and on Facebook and Twitter throughout the week. If you want to receive these announcements and other updates, please email us at [email protected].
2010-10-23 Clinics/Open Gym
– RSVP for Sloss Fright Furnace and pay Jennie for your ticket by this evening. We need a few more people to go in order to receive the group benefits.
– Register for “Amazing Grace” at www.barbellsforboobs.com and read all the little details on our Amazing Grace page.
Saturday Schedule
9:00 a.m. ~ Running Drills (Part Deux)
We will be reviewing Part I and introducing Part II. Those who have been through Part I as well as those who haven’t are encouraged to join us.
10:00 a.m. ~ Clean & Jerk Clinic
We will be going back to the basics—learning/ reviewing the Burgener Warmup and breaking down the clean and the jerk step-by-step. Those lifting barbells for boobs for “Amazing Grace” are highly encouraged to attend. We will be deciding what weights to use for next weekend. This is free to those non-members participating on Oct. 30.
11:00 a.m. ~ Open Gym
Members can come in to work on specific movements, particularly ones in which they need practice and further instruction. We will have a WOD that they can do or they can choose to do a WOD that they missed this week.
2010-10-22 UGS
AMRAP – 20 Minute
– 5 Deadlift
– 5 Pullups
– 5 Handstand Pushups
– 10 KB Swings
– 10 Overhead Lunges
– 10 Slam Balls
Back Squat
– 5 x 5 Reps
Two Rounds for Time:
– 20 Pullups
– 30 Pushups
– 40 Situps
– 50 Air Squats
– 2 Minutes Rest