Community Events Nutrition Rest Day

2010-02-08 Announcements

We usually post weekly announcements on Rest Day; however, we were at the 2010 Garage Games in Woodstock, GA yesterday and returned home late.  Read our 2010-02-07 Rest Day post from yesterday for more info on the event.

– Yesterday began Week 6 of our 100-Day Nutrition Challenge.  This is the second week that you will strive to eat Paleo and only Paleo.  You do not have to stop the challenge if you make a few mistakes.  Forget them and move on.  Paleo is a lifestyle not a fad diet.  It is never too late to start the challenge.  For more information on the Paleo Diet, read our Nutrition page.

– Jennie has delayed the beanie and shirt order for a few more days.  If you are interested in ordering a beanie, short-sleeve tee, or a long-sleeve tee, visit our Apparel page for more information.  Email us at [email protected] if you are interested in ordering any of these items.  Please be sure to include colors and sizes, if applicable.

– 41Fitness trainer David Sumner, 41Fitness member Kelly “Kardio” Adams, and friends Christina and Scott (along with a fifth) are running in a 5-person marathon relay at the Mercedes Marathon, Half-Marathon and Relay on Sunday, February 14 in Birmingham, AL.  Wish them luck!

– Congrats to 41Fitness member Pete Russell and the Montgomery Yellowhammers who beat Chattanooga RFC 14-0 on Saturday.  The Yellowhammers have three back-to-back home games scheduled for 1 p.m. on February 13, 20, and 27.  To see their schedule, visit the Yellowhammer Google Calendar.  You can also join their Facebook group.

Community Events Rest Day

2010-02-07 Rest Day

Rest day…..hmmm…it definitely was NOT a rest day for Christina and David…

We just got home from Woodstock, Georgia where we attended the 2010 Garage Games.  To say it was an eventful weekend would be an understatement.  It was awesome!  The weather and WODs were brutal, competition was friendly but fierce, and the community of people was great!

41Fitness owner/trainer David Sumner, member Brandon Cobb, and friend Christina Van Der Hulst competed well and had lots of fun doing it!  We are very proud and excited for Christina, who competed with 11 other females in the advanced category and won 1st place overall.  She placed 1st in the first 2 WODs and 2nd in third and fourth WODs.  She was in 1st place going into the final Chipper which gave her a 5 second head-start.  Of course she didn’t need it!  🙂

41Fitness member Brandon Cobb competed with 54 competitors in the Intermediate category.  He was unable to participate in the second day/fourth WOD because of a prior engagement.  However he still placed 44th!  This was his first CrossFit competition.  Congrats Cobb!  We are very proud of you!

David competed with 54 advanced males.  Wow!  There were some beasts!  He was a little too nice to pass people on the 7K trail run, placing 40th.  He won’t let that happen again.  😉  David placed 10th, 15th, and 22nd in the other three WODs, placing him 22nd overall.  He was pleased with his performance and he represented us well!

We have many photos and videos from the event.  We hope to share those and lots of stories with you in the next few days….photos, videos, and stories that include David and Christina doing an AMRAP outside in 40-degree weather while it’s sleeting, using muddy, slippery wall balls and freezing cold kettlebells!

View the five WODs from the Garage Games below.  These are in the order that the beginners and advanced athletes competed.  Brandon and the other intermediates did the trail run last on the first day.  Here are the final results for the event.

Day 1

7k-ish Trail Run

Advanced Men:  15 Minutes, 10 – 2 pood KB Swings, 45′ Run, 10 – 20# Wall Balls
Advanced Women:  12 Minutes, 10 – 1.5 pood KB Swings, 45′ Run, 10 – 16# Wall Balls
Intermediate Men:  12 Minutes, 10 – 1.5 pood KB Swings, 45′ Run, 10 – 20# Wall Balls

Sandbag Carry
Advanced Men:  120# sandbag carry up a hill, 10 sandbag cleans, run it down the hill, drop it and deadlift 315# 20 times
Advanced Women:  80# SB and 205# DL
Intermediate Men:  80# SB and 225# DL

Day 2

Overhead & Run
Advanced Men:  10 – 135# ground to overhead anyhow, 20 Situps, 600M Run; 10- 2 Pood KB Swings, 20 Burpees, 600M Run; then do it all again.
Advanced Women :  95#, 1.5 Pood KB Swings
Intermediate Men :  115# 1.5 Pood KB Swings

Chipper (Top 16 Men and Women only)
Walking lunges up a steep hill while carrying a (45#/25#) bumper overhead, 30 Power Snatches (95#/65#), 40 Wall Ball (20#/12#), 50 Burpees

Don’t forget that we are placing our apparel order tomorrow.  Night night!

@ Home Events Workouts

2010-02-05 Garage Games

41Fitness is attending the 2010 Garage Games in Woodstock, Georgia this weekend. David will be competing, along with 41Fitness member Brandon and our friend Christina. For updates on the Garage Games, visit the Garage Games Website, follow crossfitgarage on Twitter or visit the Garage Games 2010 Facebook Fan Page.

Note: The Boneyard will be closed Friday night and Saturday. We will resume our regular schedule on Monday. Below are a few WODs that you can do at home tonight and/or tomorrow.  Post your times and comments in comments.

5 rounds for time:
– 20 pushups
– 30 situps
– 40 squats

This is a good workout for our beginners.  To scale the WOD, reduce the number of reps for each movement by half (10-15-20).

For time:
– 20 situps
– 20 walking lunges (each leg)
– 20 situps
– 20 burpees
– 20 situps

And for those of you who have access to a jump rope…

3 rounds for time:
– 50 double-unders (150 singles)
– 75 air squats

Community Events Nutrition Rest Day

2010-01-31 Rest Day

Sunday is rest day at 41Fitness. Our weekly announcements are posted on Sunday. Be sure to read the 2009-11-08 Sunday post discussing the importance of recovery.

Weekly Announcements

Jennie attended her CrossFit Level 1 Certification in San Antonio at Alamo CrossFit last weekend to get a better understanding of CrossFit’s methods, concepts, and movements.  She will continue sharing what she learned with our members over the next few weeks.

– Congrats to 41Fitness member Pete Russell and the Montgomery Yellowhammers who beat down the Birmingham Vulcans 22-14 yesterday.  You can see Pete and the other Yellowhammers in action at one of their three back-to-back home games scheduled for 1 p.m. on February 13, 20, and 27.  To see their schedule, visit the Yellowhammer Google Calendar.

– Our fifth week of the 100-day Nutrition Challenge begins tomorrow.  This may be the most difficult week yet.  You will strive to eat Paleo and only Paleo for the whole week.  It is never too late to start the challenge.  For more information on the Paleo Diet, read our Nutrition page.

– Kudos to those participating in our 30-day Fitness Challenge.  You’re almost done.  Only 2 more days to go…

– 41Fitness is attending the 2010 Garage Games in Woodstock, Georgia on Saturday and Sunday, February 6  & 7.  David and Jennie will be competing, along with 41Fitness member Brandon and 41Fitness friend Christina.  Note:  The Boneyard will be closed Friday night and Saturday.  We will be open on Friday morning and will resume our regular schedule on Monday.  We will have WODs posted on our Web site for Friday and Saturday.  The WODs will be workouts that you can do at home.  For updates on the Garage Games, follow crossfitgarage on Twitter or visit the Garage Games 2010 Facebook Fan Page.

– We are placing an order for beanies, short-sleeve tees, and long-sleeve tees on Monday, February 8.  Visit our Apparel page for more information.  Email us at [email protected] before midnight on Sunday, Feb. 7 if you are interested in ordering any of these items.  Please be sure to include colors and sizes, if applicable.

A message to our members: Rest today, for training starts again tomorrow.

Community Events Nutrition Rest Day

2010-01-10 Rest Day

Sunday is rest day at 41Fitness.  Our weekly announcements are posted on Sunday.  Be sure to read the 2009-11-08 Sunday post discussing the importance of recovery.

Weekly Announcements

We are on day seven of our 30-day Fitness Challenge.  The challenge is designed to make you stronger or better at any one movement; although, you may choose two or more movements to improve.  It’s not too late to begin the challenge and catch up.  The next time you are at The Boneyard we can discuss what movements you’d like to improve and the best way to achieve results.

Most of you will be starting your second week of the 100-day Nutrition Challenge tomorrow.  This week you should strive to eat two Paleo meals each day.  Most of you have been gradually changing your diet.  During our third week of the challenge, you will only eat two non-Paleo meals (often referred to as “cheat meals”) during the week.  It is never too late to start.  For more information on the Paleo Diet, read our Nutrition page.  This page also provides links to our other nutrition posts.

– 41Fitness will be taking a group to the 2010 Garage Games in Woodstock, Georgia on February 6 & 7.  There are beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels of competition.  We encourage all 41Fitness members to compete and/or cheer on friends and members of 41Fitness who will be competing.  Please let us know if any of you are interested and would like to carpool.  Visit our Events page for other upcoming events.

A message to our members:  Rest today, for training starts again tomorrow.

Community Events Nutrition Rest Day

2010-01-03 Rest Day

Sunday is rest day at 41Fitness.  Our weekly announcements are posted on Sunday.  Be sure to read the 2009-11-08 Sunday post discussing the importance of recovery.

41Fitness hopes you and yours had a memorable 2009 and  wonderful holiday season!  Welcome to the year 2010!

Weekly Announcements

Monday, January 4 is the first day of 41Fitness’s 30-day fitness challenge and 100-day nutrition challenge.  You may start on any day this week if you are unable to begin on Monday.  The 30-day Fitness Challenge is designed to make you stronger or better at any one movement; although, you may choose two or more movements to improve.  If, for instance, you choose double-unders, on the first day of the fitness challenge, you will perform one double under.  On the second day, you will perform two double-unders…third day – three double-unders….fourth day – four double-unders, etc.  The next time you are at The Boneyard we can discuss what movements you’d like to improve and the best way to achieve results.

During the first week of the 100-day Nutrition Challenge, you will strive to eat Paleo foods for breakfast everyday.  During the second week, you will strive to eat at least two Paleo meals each day.  For more information on the Paleo Diet, read our Nutrition page.  We will be publishing nutrition posts for those participating in the challenge.

– 41Fitness will be attending the 2010 Garage Games in Woodstock, Georgia on February 6 & 7.  There are beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels of competition.  We encourage all 41Fitness members to compete and/or cheer on friends and members of 41Fitness who will be competing.  Please let us know if any of you are interested and would like to carpool.  Visit our Events page for other upcoming events.

– Did you set any New Year’s Resolutions?  Please share your fitness and non-fitness goals with us and others, so we can motivate you and hold you accountable.  You may tell us next time you’re “work’n hard at the ‘yard” or you can place it in comments on this post.

– Speaking of resolutions….getting some or more exercise, losing weight,  and learning something new are three of the top ten most popular resolutions.  If someone you know has mentioned these, you should invite them to come take a tour.  Bring them to see a workout and to chat with us about functional fitness and what we do.

A message to our members:  Rest today, for training starts again tomorrow.

Events Workouts

2009-12-26 Open Gym

The Boneyard will be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day but will resume normal operating hours on Saturday, December 26.

Saturdays are open gym from 9:00 a.m. until noon.  You can come in to work on specific movements, particularly ones in which you need practice and further instruction.  We will have a WOD that you can do or you can choose to do a WOD that you missed this week.

41Fitness hopes that holiday season brings you love, joy, and dreams come true!

Events Rest Day

2009-12-20 Rest Day

Sunday is rest day at 41Fitness.  Our weekly announcements are posted on Sunday.  Be sure to read the 2009-11-08 Sunday post discussing the importance of recovery.

Weekly Announcements

– 41Fitness wishes you and yours a very merry Christmas and a “Happy Holidays” to all!  41Fitness Holiday Hours of Operation: The Boneyard will be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (December 24 & 25) and New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day (December 31 & January 1).

– Our Events page lists upcoming events, providing opportunities for 41Fitness’s members and friends to compete/participate and/or ”people-watch.”  Check them out and tell us if you know of any other upcoming events.

– 12 more days until 2010!  Have you thought about your New Year’s Resolution(s)?  Share your fitness and non-fitness goals with us and others, so we can motivate you and hold you accountable.  You may tell us next time you’re “work’n hard at the ‘yard” or you can place it in comments on our New Year’s Day post.  We will also have a New Year’s challenge or two for you.  More info coming soon…

– Speaking of resolutions….getting some or more exercise, losing weight,  and learning something new are three of the top ten most popular resolutions.  If someone you know has mentioned these, you should invite them to come take a tour.  Bring them to see a workout and to chat with us about functional fitness and what we do.  Friends don’t let friends sign up for 6-month or 12-month contracts at “globo” gyms that don’t care whether you actually show up, where they will most likely wander aimlessly from machine to machine trying to figure out how to use it and how many reps and what weight to use or jump on cardio equipment for 30 minutes or an hour to burn like 300 calories, and inevitably become frustrated and unmotivated to go when they see no results.  41Fitness wants you to come, get fit, stay fit, and live a healthier life.  At The Boneyard, we are a family, supporting, motivating, sweating, crying, laughing WITH you!  And when you do join and come, you will also be achieving five other top ten New Year’s resolutions:  spending more time with friends and family [your family and friends at 41Fitness], enjoying life more [outside of the gym], helping others [supporting and motivating them at The Boneyard….oh and you’ll be stronger and can lift heavy objects the correct way without injuring yourself next time you help a friend move], getting organized [you’ll have more energy to tackle those organization projects at home and work] and quitting smoking [because there’s no way you can continue to smoke and do our workouts].  Unfortunately, we cannot assist you with the last top ten resolutions: getting out of debt and quitting or cutting back on drinking…  😉

A message to our members:  Rest today, for training starts again tomorrow.

CrossFit Events Workouts

2009-12-05 WOD

20th Annual Jingle Bell Run
41Fitness will be meeting between 7:45 and 8:00 a.m. at the Delchamps Student Center on the Huntingdon College campus for the Jingle Bell 5K Run for Arthritis.  As of 3:00 p.m. on Friday, we have raised $975–only $26 from our $1,001 goal!!!  We appreciate everyone’s participation and support for 41Fitness and this cause!  Good luck to all of the runners and walkers, including the 14 running/walking for 41Fitness!

Following the run, the Boneyard will be open from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.  We will be participating in the Lumberjack 20 fundraiser, as a display of solidarity with Lumberjack CrossFit, in honor of the four Lumberjack CrossFit soldiers who lost their lives in the Ft. Hood tragedy one month ago today.

Read CrossFit’s Call to Action.  Visit David’s Fundraising Page to donate money for the families of the fallen and the future needs of the approximately 30 wounded on November 5, 2009.

Lumberjack 20
– 20 Deadlifts (275#/185#) / Row 500m
– 20 KB swings (2 pood) / Row 500m
– 20 Overhead Squats (115#/75#) / Row 500m
– 20 Burpees / Row 500m
– 20 Pullups (Chest to Bar) / Row 500m
– 20 Box Jumps (24″) / Row 500m
– 20 KB Clean Catch Squats (32kg/24kg) / Row 500m

Note: Rowing is being subbed for running due to the proposed weather forecast.  Kettlebell clean catch squats are replacing dumbell squat cleans because “we love them ‘bells.”

CrossFit Events Underground Strength

2009-11-21 WOD

Alabama vs. Auburn
We will have a team underground strength workout at 9 a.m.  If you have been enjoying the UGS workouts and will be in town, feel free to join us.  Pick a team–Alabama or Auburn–to join or cheer on.  Visitors are welcomed to attend and encourage all participants or their favorite team.

Saturdays are open gym from 9 a.m. – noon.  If you are not interested in joining the UGS workout on Saturday, you may choose a WOD that you missed during the week.