Time to practice or take on a missed WOD from this week.
Category: Workouts
2010-01-22 UGS
“Body Bag” UGS
– Tire Flips (400#)
– Sledge Strikes (20#)
– KB Swing (32kg)
– Sandbag Burpee (60#)
Three rounds for time:
– 400m Run
– 21 KB Swings
– 15 Pullups
– 9 Box Jumps
Upper Body Dynamic Effort
1. 8 x 3 Reps Standing Press @ 55% Max Press
2. 5 x 5 Reps KB Presses
3. 5 x 5 Reps Weighted Pullups
4. 5 x 3 Reps Rack Jerks
– 1,000m
Overhead Squats
– 5 x 10 Reps
– 1,000m
Lower Body Dynamic Effort
1. 10 x 2 Reps Box Squat @ 55% Max Squat
2. 5 x 3 Reps Power Cleans
3. 5 x 5 Reps Good Mornings
4. 5 x 5 Reps Weighted Situps
2010-01-20 UGS
4 Rounds
1a. 3 Handstand Pushups
1b. 1 Rope Climb
4 Rounds
2a. 6 KB Snatch & Press
2b. 10 BB Rows
4 Rounds
3a. Max Tarzan Pullups
3b. Max Ring Pushups
100 Sledge Strikes
Four rounds for time:
– 400m Run
– Box Jumps (40-30-20-10)
KB 600 Chipper
– 100 KB Swings (Each Arm)
– 100 KB Clean and Press (Each Arm)
– 100 KB Rows (Each Arm)
Upper Body Max Effort
1. 1 RM Floor Press
2. 5 x 5 Reps KB Presses
3. 5 x 5 Reps Weighted Pullups
4. 5 x 3 Reps Rack Jerks